Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Spencer's Baptism

We had a great week!  The kids were happy to have visitors come too.  Thursday Neal picked Rachel (my sister) up at the air port on his way from work.  It is nice that the air port is so close.  I had a parent night at the middle school and had to leave before they made it home.  I enjoyed going to the school and meeting all of Ruth’s teachers and hearing about her classes.  She is doing great so far with things and enjoying school.  Andrew had scouts that night.  Neal brought him to the church and I picked him up after the school event.  We got home about 8:15 and I was glad to see Rachel!  It is always fun to have family come visit us.

Rachel got a picture of Andrew before scouts

My sister Jeanie found some Syd Hoff books and sent them for Caleb.  He has enjoyed reading them this week.  He is happy to have his own copies of some of his favorite books.

Friday morning we got the kids all off to school and Neal went to work.  Rachel and I had a day to visit and spend together.  We went to the Albuquerque temple and did a session there.  It was so peaceful.  I enjoyed being in the temple with my sister doing the temple work for sisters.  We went out to eat lunch at a “Tim’s Place.”  It was a nice little place.  We had a good laugh at the signs that said they served hugs.  We didn’t get a hug but we did a get a high five from Tim.  The food was great too.  It had started to rain so we just went for a drive to look at a few things.  We drove to the apartment my parents lived in back in the late 1960’s.  I showed Rachel around the areas that we go and we drove up by the mountains.  The rain was coming down pretty hard so we picked Ruth up in the car.  Then the boys came home from school.  We enjoyed an evening at home with the family.  We played games and just had fun. 

Saturday morning we did some house cleaning, to keep us from getting too messy around here.  Then Rachel and I took the kids to the park.  We had a nice time there.  The kids love this park for the soft sand in the play ground area.  The boys dug and built little houses in the sand.  It was still damp from all the rain the day before so it shaped well.  Caleb had fun making “dirt angles” (just like snow angles, but in the sand).  We came home for lunch and I had all the kids take baths after playing in the dirt.  We got everyone cleaned up and ready to go to the church for Spencer’s baptism.  

Ruth is almost as tall as Rachel.  She is passing up all her aunts!

I am enjoying the mountains of Albuquerque, they remind me of Utah

Neal and I gave Spencer a new set of scriptures.  He was excited to get them.  My parents sent a scripture tote for him and a tie clip.  Rachel said that Dad went to the store to pick something out for Spencer.  This meant a lot to me since Dad doesn’t get out much because it is so hard for him.  Usually he goes to church and the doctor office and that is it.  So that was a sacrifice for him to go to Dessert Book.  Spencer was really pleased with the tie clip, he had such a big smile on his face as he left with Neal to go to the church early.  We came about 15 minutes later and found them dressed in white and ready for the baptism. 

The kids got a little silly with Rachel and her electronic devices, they love having her visit

We had a nice service with the Stake.  There were four children baptized that day.  Spencer was so happy and said he felt peaceful, joyful and good inside.  Dallin (Neal's brother) and May Bo and their boys made it to the church about 30 minutes before the baptism.  I am glad that they made it  in time and that they made the effort to travel so far for it. (They drove from Salt Lake City.)

After the baptism we came home and had dinner.  Neal had made and decorated a birthday cake for Dallin’s son, Micah, who turned four Friday.  Micah loved it.  He loves cars and thought it was great to have them on his cake. Although I didn’t get a picture of him smiling, I think he was just anxious to get the cars to play with.  As soon as he blew out the candles he grabbed the cars and was happy to get his birthday cars to play with.

Sunday we went to church together.  Spencer said he felt so good and knew he made the right choice in getting baptized.  We just hung out at the house in the afternoon.  After dinner we drove to the temple and walked around.  It was a beautiful evening.

Monday Dallin and his family left to go home.  Then we took Rachel to the Natural Science museum.  Neal and the kids had the day home because of the Labor Day holiday.  We enjoyed looking at things together at the museum.  It was a good day.

We went into the computer exhibit at the museum. They had a lot of information about how Microsoft got started, in Albuquerque.  Caleb wanted to get his picture taken with all these "founders" Maybe one day Caleb will invent something really cool too and find his picture in a museum.

Early Tuesday morning Rachel flew home.  In fact I was helping the kids pack their school lunches when I got a text from her saying she was in SLC.  I am thankful she was able to come.  

It has been a great week end.  We missed having the grandparents with us for such a special occasion. Neal enjoyed a phone call with his parents Sunday.  That is one thing nice about senior missionaries, they can get phone calls from family any time.  My parents sent their love with Rachel and we know they wish they could have come.  I am thankful for all my family and the influence they have in the lives of my family. 

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