Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Green Spring

I am enjoying the green view out my window.  I enjoy going for walks at the park and seeing the pretty green there too.  It is a pretty time of year.  But my allergies are worse, I guess that is the price I have to pay.  

Friday we enjoyed having the missionaries over.  The kids get really wound up when they are here though.  They stay partly calm while they are here but then as soon as they leave they explode with energy.  It is a bit crazy.  

Saturday was a pretty day and the kids enjoyed spending most the morning outside.  I let them eat lunch outside and they thought that was fun.  I am glad that they can enjoy our yard.  

Saturday morning I went to pick up the Bountiful Basket food and helped a bit with the distribution.  Spencer came with me and he had fun skipping around, picking up garbage and talking to me.  We got two bunches of radishes and I wasn’t sure what to do with so many when the kids don’t like them.  Another lady there told me that I could boil them in a vegetable soup and they would taste like potatoes.  I decided to give it a try.  Last night I made a soup and it tasted really good.  I am glad I have figured out another way to use radishes.

Saturday afternoon Neal and I went on a date.  We went to an art exhibit and saw some nice paintings by a local artist of church buildings in Texas.  They were pretty with interesting lighting and shadows.  After the art we went to dinner.  We got back home about 6:45 and the kids were having fun playing Monopoly with our babysitter.  We helped the kids get going on baths and she stayed and played the game.  They played until about 8:00, then we ate some ice cream and then Neal took the baby sitter home.  I am glad that she enjoys being here.  The kids all love having her be their babysitter.

Sunday I taught Relief Society.  I am glad that it went well.  Now I can have a break from teaching for a bit.  Ruth also bore her testimony in church.  It was sweet.  She said how hard it can be sometimes to have little brothers, but she knows that families are eternal and that the reason we are in families is to learn love and patience.  I thought the best part of all of it was that before church the kids had an argument and were grumpy as we drove to church.  So she had done some thinking and was able to get over the difficult morning.

Sunday afternoon I went visiting teaching with my partner. Her daughter is having surgery later in the month and she wanted to do some visits now so she wouldn’t miss doing it.  We enjoyed our afternoon together.  We were able to visit four of our sisters.  The fifth sister we visited on Friday afternoon.  So we did a lot of visits this week end.  As I was leaving the house I noticed the flowers or lack of flowers by the mail box.  I was distraught and sad that my flowers had disappeared.  

I asked Neal about the flowers.  Saturday morning Neal was doing yard work and raking leaves. He got out the blower to blow out leaves from under bushes.  He said he got the leaves out of the flower bed, but sadly it also took all the pedals.  I hope that they can grow back and look pretty again.  Andrew was a good helper in the yard and raking.  He is a good worker.

Spencer asked Neal to take off his training wheels on his bike.  He is riding his bike wonderfully now.  I am happy he has learned how to do it so well.  

Caleb has enjoyed going to the park with me to go walking.  He will get out of the stroller and run.  It is fun to watch him run and see his little legs go.  He enjoyed looking at rolly pollies yesterday.  Today at the library for story time they had a little bounce house for the kids.  Caleb loved jumping in it.  Yesterday we had preschool at our house.  The kids were good and we had some fun activities.  Friday at the park for play group Caleb was saying the alphabet backwards.  He asked me if I could do it, I said I would stick to saying it the right way.  Then yesterday he was doing numbers he said to me “Does 12 two times make 24?”  I said yes, then he was thinking and then asked “does 12 four time make 48?”  Yes.  He likes numbers and seems to have them come easy to him.  I have been working on reading with him.  He will only work on things for a few minutes at a time.  But through out the day he will ask me how to spell things.  Or, read the letters on a sign and ask me what they say.  It is fun to watch him learn.

the boys have had fun playing with blocks this week, they wanted me to take a picture of their tower

The garden is growing well.  I enjoy eating as much spinach as I want. 

I thought my yard looked pretty today and took a few pictures of it.  Here is the back yard.

My flowers by the mail box.  On Sunday there was no red, so maybe they will come back.  At least the leaves are cleaned up. 

The view up my street.

The side yard

The roses, after I took the picture I trimmed the roses.  In a few more weeks they should be covered in flowers again. 

The ferns are coming back up!

The side of the house.  I am enjoying the hanging basket of flowers and the splash of color they give. 

the other side of the back yard

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