Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Merry Christmas!

It has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote.  It has been a busy fun month.  I thought I would mention a few things that went on during the last couple of weeks before Christmas.  On Sunday the 14th Ruth and I enjoyed going to a Stake music evening.  There were many instruments played and people singing.  There was a choir from another church there too.  I enjoyed the music.  At the end they had a orchestra playing and all the people singing the “Hallelujah” chorus.  It was neat.  Neal stayed home with the boys and read stories.  We didn’t think they would sit still for a musical night.  

On Monday the 15th I decided to go get a Colorado drivers license.  I arranged for Caleb to play with his friend Justin.  Then I went into the office.  I was expecting to wait and brought a book.  Thankfully it wasn’t an official “line” but we got a number at the door and then could sit in the waiting area.  What did surprise me was how long I waited.  It took four hours!  Not very efficient.  But at least now I have a current drivers license for the state I live in.

Ruth had lots of fun doing a market day at school on the 18th, her last day of school before the break.  On the 17th her friend Ashley came over and the girls made cookies to sell at their booth.  They enjoyed the day.  Ruth enjoys playing with Ashley, in fact she is at her house this afternoon.  Also on the 17th Ruth was given a recognition at school for being a good student and reliable and kind to other students.  I thought it was nice to give a positive report for her hard work.

On the 17th I was packing up our things for our trip and went into the basement and found signs of a mouse in our food.  I was distressed.  We had to throw out some things and clean up the area and put things in more mouse proof things, like white plastic buckets, thankfully we had some empty ones around.  Neal went to the store and bought some traps.  I guess it is good we noticed before we left on our trip to Utah.  So far we have caught two mice.  I hope we don’t have too many more.  The boys got a bit worried and cleaned up their trains in the basement that afternoon.  Today was the first day they ventured down there to play again.  They didn’t last long though, I think it is rather cold in the basement.  

The weather has been very cold the last couple of days. Yesterday had a high of 2 degrees. Today is warmer, up to about 25 degrees now.  The sun shine feels nice.  This morning it was so pretty outside with all the frost, everything was covered with white.  

On Friday the 19th we drove to Utah.  The trip went pretty good.  It is interesting to travel in the winter time.  We made it to the Hancock’s home in time for dinner.  Saturday was a fun day.  All the Hancock sisters got together at our parents home with our families.  We did a gingerbread house building factory.  We cooked up gingerbread in the morning and made enough for 15 houses.  So everyone that wanted could decorate one.  

Everyone busy decorating

Ruth and Andrew decorating their houses.

Spencer with his finished house.  Do you think he could add more candy?

The finished houses

We had fun visiting and eating.  In the evening we did a talent show and then a gift exchange.  It was a fun day.

Caleb had fun reading books to Susan

Rachel and Jeanie showing their talents

Andrew played jingle bells on the piano

George and Grace sang a song

The Hancock sisters being a bit silly

Chris wanted to get in on the fun

Some of the grand kids at the party

We went to church with the Hancock’s on Sunday.  It was nice to hear their awesome ward choir sing.  I enjoyed going to Relief Society.  It was a nice day.  

Andrew made a nativity scene out of the ginger bread scraps

Monday we were able to visit with our friends, Kami and Tommy.  They are living in Orem right now and we invited them over.  The kids had fun seeing each other and I enjoyed visiting.  It is always nice to see friends.  

Afterwards we drove up to the Hubbard’s home in West Jordan.  We enjoyed visiting with them in the afternoon.  

Neal and his dad

The boys like the Hubbard Lego buckets

Then that evening we drove to Salt Lake City and went to Temple Square to see the lights.  It was very pretty.  I thought it was neat to share that beautiful place with my children in the winter time.

Happy faces in the cold at Temple Square

Tuesday we spent at Hancock’s home visiting and doing laundry.  It was a relaxing day.  The kids enjoyed playing Monopoly with their cousins.  My sister Mandy came over with her kids.  Mandy and I snuck away and did some last minute shopping.  Neal had a job interview at ATK in Clearfield that day.

Reading stories with Grandpa

We read and acted out the Nativity with my parents

We spent Christmas Eve with the Hubbard’s.  It was a nice day and we enjoyed a nice Jewish feast that evening. 

Ruth helping Grandma Hubbard fix dinner

Happy kids

Christmas was at the Hancock’s home.  We woke up to a white Christmas.  We had about three inches of snow and more came in the afternoon.  The kids had lots of fun opening gifts and adding excitement to their Grandparents day.  They also enjoyed playing in the snow.  Neal took our kids and Mandy’s kids down the street to the city park.  They had fun running around in the snow and throwing snow balls.  What a fun treat for our Texas kids.  

Christmas morning with all the excited kids

 Playing in the snow on Christmas day

On Friday we visited with Grandma Johnson in the morning.  She is doing well.  Then we went to the Hubbard’s again.  Neal and I went to the temple and the kids had fun building their first full sized snow man.  We had a good visit with the family that evening.

with Grandma Johnson

The kids and their snow man

When we came out of the temple we saw this Nativity and the pretty sun light on the mountains.

 Spencer had fun playing with his little cousin

Saturday morning we managed to pack everything into the suburban and drive home.  We were thankful to make it home safe.  I don’t recommend driving through Wyoming in December.  It is cold and the wind was blowing the snow around.  

I took some pictures of the mountains while we filled up with gas in Orem.  So pretty that day with the blue sky and white mountains. 

It is nice to be back home.  Monday Neal spent a lot of time with the kids playing in the snow.  They found some small hills to try sledding out.  The kids are enjoying some play time with friends.  Yesterday Ruth went to her friend from school, Rachel, home.  She was invited to stay for dinner and was there for about six hours.  She had a great time.  Today Cody is over at our house to play with boys and Ruth went to Ashley's home to be with the girls.  This morning Ruth went with Tori and her family to a New Year’s activity at the library.  They did some entertaining and a count down at noon for the kids to enjoy.  It is a busy time and we are thankful everyone can be well and happy to enjoy it.

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