Wednesday, December 3, 2014


It has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote.  We had fun visiting family in Utah for Thanksgiving last week.  The week before we survived a stomach virus that affected most of us.  It was hard to not feel well.  I was thankful that we all got feeling better in time for our trip.

On Saturday November 22 Neal took the kids to the park.  It was a bit cool but they had fun flying kites and playing around.  I enjoyed some quiet sewing time.  Also that day I took Spencer to Pizza Hut to redeem a coupon he had for a personal pizza he had earned for his reading at school.  For some reason Pizza Hut was out of personal size pizza, so they up graded it to a small pizza.  Spencer loved having as much pizza as he could eat and he shared with the other kids too.

On Monday November 24 I was tired and recovering from being sick on Sunday.  I was surprised when I went out the door to pick up the boys from school to find a cute box on the step labeled “Becky’s box of sunshine.”  A sister in the ward took time to fix up a box full of yellow things, snacks and soap, and write a sweet card to me.  She is the nursery leader so I am getting to know her there.  She knew I was sick since I missed church and she thought I could use some “sunshine.”  It really touched me that she would do that for me.  We enjoyed eating the snacks on our trip to Utah.

Wednesday November 26 we got up early and starting driving to Utah about 4:30am.  We got into some snow and ice the first stretch up into Wyoming.  (We were taking the I80 route.)  Once we got past Laramie it cleared up and was a nice drive.  We arrived at the Hancock’s home at 1:30pm.  We were happy to have all afternoon playing and visiting.  It was fun to be with the family.

Thursday was Thanksgiving.  We spent the day with the Hancock’s.  Neal and my sister Rachel took the kids to the park down the street that morning.  The weather was so nice.  They had a lot of fun climbing trees.  

look up at the top to see Neal

That afternoon the family gathered for a nice dinner and lots of visiting time.  It was wonderful to see so many of the family.  It was my nephew's first birthday.  It was fun to see him all cute and excited.  I enjoyed being with my family.  

In the afternoon all the grandkids set up my parents tree.  I think it was a record decorating time with so many helpers.  They had fun with Grandpa’s electric train around the tree.

Friday morning we drove up to the Hubbard’s and had Thanksgiving all over.  The family gathered for an nice dinner and everyone visited.  We played a game of Settlers too.  In the afternoon Grandma took my kids shopping for snow boots.  They can’t wait for it to snow now so they can try them out.  We also rented a U-haul trailer and loaded it up with things from Neal’s parents.  They have been downsizing in their home and we were happy to receive some things from them. 

Saturday morning we had a nice drive back to Colorado.  The weather was good the whole way, which was good since we had a trailer to haul.  We got home in time for dinner.  It was a quick trip but good.  We are planning another trip next month for Christmas.  It is fun to be able to spend holidays with family.  We didn’t have that in Texas.

Caleb enjoys playing with his magnet letters.  He is working so hard at reading and spelling.  One morning I came down stairs and he had written me a message on the floor.  I happily got all the hugs he promised.  (The message read “I will give you 30 hugs”)  The other day he had fun playing as a cow boy.  He is growing up so fast.

Andrew and Spencer had fun one afternoon a few weeks ago making fish tanks.  They did a good job at being creative.  We had them sitting out for awhile until we set up the tree.  

Andrew's fish tank

Spencer's fish tank

I had told the kids we would do the Christmas tree on December 1st and they were counting down the days.  So Monday after school they were excited to get started on the tree.  They had lots of fun setting it up.  We got out our Christmas things and had fun finding places for them.  Since we are in a different house we couldn’t just put them where they always would go.  It is nice to have things set up.  

Grandma Hubbard gave the boys red stockings this year that she made.  When Ruth was a baby she had made one for Ruth and I, Neal had one from his childhood, now the boys have matching ones and they were very pleased with it.

I am enjoying watching the geese here.  The last few weeks we have had so many flying through the area.  In the mornings the open spaces are covered in geese.  They are also loud at honking.  It has been interesting to see them migrate.

We hope everyone is having a fun Christmas season.  

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