Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy Birthday to Ruth

Eleven years ago I spent the day in the hospital.  It was a hard day but ended well when Ruth was born that night.  I am thankful for her in my life.  She is a sweet girl with a strong spirit about her.  She is having a happy day today.  This morning I made her pancakes and that will be her “cake” for today.  She wanted to go to the church for her Activity Days tonight and Andrew has scouts, so it will be a busy evening for us.  We will do our celebrating on Friday as a family and on Saturday with friends.  She is really excited for her friend party.  I hope that it turns out well.

Last Thursday morning Neal went to the park with Caleb and I for our morning walk.  It was fun to walk around with him and visit and watch Caleb.  Caleb rode his trike for two laps, or one mile.  Then he rode in the stroller for a bit.  Caleb then got out and ran after birds on the lawn.  It was a nice time.  Neal went to work and Caleb and I went shopping.  I found a pair of Ryka shoes for me.  They are hard to find in stores and I was glad to find some.  I have worn Ryka for about 20 years and always like the way they feel.  I like my new shoes.  Then we went to Lowe’s and bought some plants to try in our yard.  It is hard to know what will grow here.  I figure I am always planting things with faith.  Faith that they will make it through the hot summer, faith that they can tolerate the shade, faith that they will really grow.  It reminds me a lot of how we go by faith in our lives, learning and trusting in the Lord.  I enjoy gardening.

I am enjoying the cheerful yellow

I planted a daisy in the corner

The iris flowers smell wonderful

Trying yet another plant in this corner that gets little sunlight and is thick clay. Notice my bush isn't looking too healthy either. 

I hope this plant can do okay by the front door.  It only gets a little evening sunlight.

The ground cover died back.  The last frost we got was just too much for it.  I hope that it grows back.

Another corner I have a hard time getting something to grow.   Maybe this shade loving fern will make it.

Friday morning Caleb and I went to the park for play group.  It was a small group this week, maybe because it was cooler.  We enjoyed being outside though.  That evening I let the kids watch the Narnia movie “Prince Caspian” with me.  (I skipped a couple of parts, so they wouldn’t get scared.)  They loved it.  We are enjoying reading our Narnia book together.  We are on the “Dawn Treader” book now and when we finished reading it will watch the movie together. 

Saturday and Sunday we enjoyed watching General Conference.  The kids did great with being quiet for us to hear.  I taught Ruth how to make a “granny square” with crocheting and she made a little blanket for her doll.  I also showed Andrew how to do a simple single crochet and he made a couple of little things.  He was trying so hard to not make it tight.  I think he did good for his first try at it.  I remember crocheting with my Grandma during a General Conference.  I guess I have told my kids about that and they want to learn.  It keeps their hands busy so they keep their bodies and mouths quiet.  Spencer and Caleb had fun playing quietly together.  I worked on my Timpanogos Temple cross stitch.  Maybe one day I will finish it.  I have been working on it for about 9 years now.  I joked when I started it that it would take me 10 years to do.  Now I wonder if it will be longer.

Spencer and Caleb were pretending to be monsters during Conference. 

Ruth's doll and blanket

Andrew's first crocheting project.

Saturday I also tried recording Andrew and Spencer playing the piano.  Not a video, just audio.  It worked okay.  I used my phone for the recording.  I want to get the iPad working so I can use that to record.  

Sunday morning we had a rain storm.  We got about 1/2 inch of rain in just a short amount of time.  We were eating breakfast at the time and had fun watching the rain come down and the ditch fill up with water.  Then the kids started laughing hysterically and I looked to see what it was.  Our neighbor had raked leaves and had bagged them.  They were sitting on the edge of his yard and the water was catching them and five bags got carried down the ditch.  It was funny to watch.  Neal went out later that day and carried the bags back up to the curb.  

Yesterday for preschool we went down to the suspension bridge and met with our group.  We walked along the river to a park, about 1 1/2 miles away.  It was a cool morning with wind, I was glad we had our coats on.  It warmed up though and we enjoyed our time at the park.  The kids did some little activities at the park and then we walked back.  It was a fun field trip and we enjoyed seeing all the ducks in the river.  Caleb is talking a lot and it is fun to hear his chatter.  Today he was playing with his stuffed animals and I enjoyed hearing it because of the names of his animals “chocolate” “vanilla” “brownie” and “ice cream”.  I guess he likes sweets. 

Andrew is enjoying his typing class at school.  He told us that he is almost done with the typing book and likes typing.  I don’t think I learned to type until high school.  The kids are growing up with so much technology in their lives.  Spencer is excited about his music program next week.  He is doing a speaking part and is excited about that.  He has a hard time being quiet so I am sure he will do fine speaking out!

Last night I went to a Relief Society activity on preserving our family history.  It was more focused on what we can do to keep our personal family history and not so much on research.  I heard lots of neat ideas.  I like one really well, to do a picture scrap book of my stuff.  To take pictures of things we keep and then write about why they are important to us.  Then one day our families will see that and understand a little more about me.  I also had been asked to do a presentation about my weekly letter and blog I do.  So here I am, making history. 

This morning Caleb and I went to the library.  The theme for story time was rhythm.  Gail (the librarian) had little shakers for the kids and then put on the “Ants go Marching” song and they all marched around the room making noise.  It was cute.  The kids loved it.

Caleb is in the red shirt.

Ruth had a great birthday and enjoyed hearing many sing to her.  She said they even sang to her in school.  We let her open her gifts today from me and Grandma Hubbard.  She loves the purple towel!  I will try to make a dress for her.  I did get it mostly cut out last week.  It is hard sometimes to find time to sew.

The  cute birthday girl.

New books by one of her favorite authors.

It is a beautiful spring day and we are doing well.  Things seems stressful at times with work and family life.  I guess we are in a stressful time of life.  

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