Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spring is in the Air

We had a fun Valentine’s Day Friday.  Andrew was excited to go to school because he had worked had at his multiplication table and earned an ice cream sundae.  He said it was great.  The kids all had fun with their classes exchanging Valentine’s too.  Neal came home from work at noon and took me out to lunch.  We enjoyed having a date in the middle of the day.  Caleb had fun playing with his friend.  After school Neal took the kids to the park to fly kites.  That was a fun activity for them.  Then in the evening we played some games and decorated heart sugar cookies together.  The kids were fun to be with.  They even wanted to exchange Valentine’s with each other.  So we had a little mail box out for them to put little cards in and we passed them out as we ate the cookies.  I am glad we could spend the holiday as a family.

We also had fun calling up Grandpa Hancock to wish him happy birthday, we just sang on the answering machine.  Happy 75th birthday Dad!  We love you, thank you for your good example.

I have been really frustrated with the school district bringing iPad’s into the school room.  I still have concerns about it.  But I decided it didn’t do any good just complaining, so I wrote a letter to the superintendent.  He responded and I appreciated that.  After a lot of discussion I decided to go ahead and agree to let the kids use the iPads.  I signed the form for each child.  Friday Ruth came home from school so excited and happy because she was surprised when her teacher brought her an iPad.  She is enjoying getting to use it and learning about them.  The boys will get theirs next week.  I still think it would be fun to have one and let the kids do things at home with it too.  I guess we will see on that.  

Spencer used some of his Christmas money to buy hula hoops.  The kids have enjoyed playing with them.  Ruth is getting good at really swinging it around her hips.  They also like rolling them or doing giant ring toss games.  

Caleb was excited about going to the library today and was given a tooth brush, they were talking about dentists.  Last week the librarian Gail gave him a story time tee shirt and bag.  He loved using his new library bag today.  I am glad that he likes books so much.  He is wanting to spell things.  He is asking me how to spell words and he repeats it.  And he will spell words he sees written down.  He knows all the letters, big and small.  This week he has been calling out numbers he sees.  Today it was on speed limit signs as we drove around town.  He is doing great with numbers too.  He loves listening to the Sesame Street ABC music CD.  He has most the songs memorized and will quote from them at random times.

I enjoyed having my visiting teachers come for a visit last week.  It was nice to sit down and talk to someone about things going on in my life.  I also have enjoyed going for walks this week since the weather has warmed up.

Saturday I took time to plant seeds in the garden.  The weather was so nice to be outside working.  I also saw a lot of other things that will need to be done.  It is that early spring time when I am ready to get the yard looking nicer.  This winter was a cold one for us and all of my annual flowers died.  Maybe I can plant a few to enjoy this spring.  Neal was working on stump removal in the back yard.  The boys were having fun helping with that.  They dug out the dirt and cut back some roots.  Neal will finish getting it out Friday with the help of some missionaries who volunteered to do some service. 

Mentioning the missionaries reminds me what Ruth told us last night.  She said at school yesterday they were working on an assignment and saw the missionaries walking down the street by the school through the window.  A classmate made a rude comment about them.  Ruth stood up for them, expressed what her religion is and proceeded to even share some of the Articles of Faith with the other student.  I thought it was neat that she would be brave enough to stand up for her beliefs and not just let it pass.  She is a good girl. 

Saturday we also had friends come over to play for the afternoon.  They had fun running around with our kids playing with bow and arrows they had made out of sticks.  They slowed down a little and helped plants some seeds too.  That evening Spencer went to a birthday party for his friend.  It was at a gymnastic gym.  He had fun running, bouncing and playing on the things there. Neal went with him and realized he had worked with is mother until she quit two years ago to have a baby.  They seem like a nice family.

Last night we finished another book out of our Narnia series.  The kids all love me reading from it.  It is fun to share a story with them each night.  They are always asking me to read it and to read more.  I am thankful for my sweet little ones.

Andrew helping with the stump removal

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