Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas is in the Air

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  The kids loved being home from school for a whole week!  I think it has been nice to get back into our regular school routines.  

Last Wednesday evening Neal came home from work feeling sick.  He went right to bed.  I took the kids over for the Pie Night activity.  We had a fun time seeing friends, visiting and eating pie.  Thursday morning Neal was feeling a little better, after being in bed for 12 hours, so we felt we could still do our plans to go to Garland.  Neal's aunt was excited to see us and I think it was good we went.  We enjoyed having some quiet time with just a few of the family in the afternoon.  Then things got busy about 3:00 when everyone started to come over.  We enjoyed eating a good meal and visiting with Neal’s cousins and their families.

Friday was a nice day.  Neal stayed home from work.  We took the kids to the zoo.  Our zoo pass was expiring and we wanted to use it one more time.  The weather was perfect for it too.  I enjoyed seeing so many animals up and moving around.  We even got to see the orangutan  get fed and hear the zoo keeper talk about him.  

Spencer wanted me to take pictures at the zoo with all the statues.  He likes to sit on their heads. 

Here he is with some real animals.  

I took this one because the tree was pretty behind them.  I took a similar picture last year.  I will try to find it.

Okay, here is last years shot.  It is fun to see how much they have grown!

We got home and prepared lots of home made pizza to share with friends in our ward.  Neal is their home teacher and had invited them over for dinner and a movie.  We had a great evening with them.  I am glad that they could come.

Saturday Neal went into work and we missed having him around to decorate for Christmas.  The kids did the tree by themselves this year.  I thought that was great.  They had fun putting it up and decorating it.  Andrew even put the lights on (with a little help from me).  They then helped me put the other decorations around the house.  It went so quickly with four happy helpers.  We have enjoyed having our Christmas things out.  The kids love the tree and like playing with it.  The ornaments get moved around a lot.  They have some little “Christmas mice” made out of yarn.  One was from when Neal was young and the other two were made when Ruth was a baby.  I guess it was something the Hubbard’s had.  The kids love playing with the mice in the tree and move them around on the branches.  I decided to try making more for them and crocheted four more that evening.  They aren’t perfect but turned out okay.  Pretty good for not having a pattern or any idea how to do it, just looked at the ones we had and tried to make it.  The kids were so excited about the new mice.  I am glad I did it.  The boys built a train track around the tree and have had fun playing with that too.  We got out our Fisher Price Nativity and the kids love that.  I am glad we have a Nativity they can play with.

The kids wanted the tree in the family room this year. 

Spencer is holding the Christmas Mice.

Sunday at church the ward chorister wasn’t there and some sisters who usually get up weren’t there.  The councilor conducting signaled for a young woman sitting on the front row to come up and she did.  She was a bit embarrassed but did okay conducting for the opening hymn.  I was sitting behind her and leaned forward and asked if she would like me to get up for the other hymns, she said yes.  So for the Sacrament hymn I got up and conducted the music.  After the hymn I sat down by the organ.  As I sat through the Sacrament I felt so calm.  It was beautiful to sit there and listen to the prayers and take the Sacrament, without kids climbing on me.  I don’t know when the last time I had that quiet of a time through the sacrament.  It was special.  It made me have a greater appreciation for the ordinance and why we come to church each Sunday.  I am thankful for my Savior and that I can remember him in that way each week.

Tuesday morning I taught preschool.  I took a more laid back approach with the kids.  I had some things planned but kind of went with their interests and attention.  It went really well.  Our impromptu playing games at the end was a lot of fun.  I am glad that Caleb can have friends.

Caleb and his preschool friends. We only had three this week. 

We were happy to hear that Mandy had her baby!  That is exciting that little Garrett was born.  He was born on November 27th.  Mandy was having some problems so he came a little early.  He is still in the hospital but doing well.  Our prayers will continue to be with their family.  We love you!

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