Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cold Fall

It feels like winter today.  It got down to about 30 degrees last night and hasn’t gotten over 50 today.  At least it is sunny so it doesn’t feel too gloomy.  I think we are just getting a bit soft when it comes to cold.  I did go out yesterday and pick all the peppers in the garden and a lot of spinach.  But the garden doesn’t look too affected from the cold.  Tonight will be cold again, so we will see if the garden is done for the fall or not.

Last Thursday I was able to go to the Dallas temple with some other women from the ward.  It was so nice to go and just have a day doing something different.  The temple is a peaceful place to be. We went out to lunch afterwards and I enjoyed visiting with the others. Caleb had fun playing at his friends home.  Neal left work and picked Caleb up about 2:40.  Then he picked the boys up from school.  I was home in time, but Neal came home any way.  We enjoyed having him here for a bit.  He stayed for a couple of hours, helping with home work and eating some dinner.  Then he had to go back to work.  It was a good day.

Friday I went to the park for play group.  It was a bit cool and only two other families came.  We had fun visiting though.  Then I thought I would stop by Regal, an oil change place that gives free car washes with an oil change.  I had a free car wash pass and needed a wash.  I got over there and found the car wash was closed, so I started to back away from the parking area and wasn’t very careful.  They are on a hill and I backed up off the edge of a retaining wall.  I was right at the end of the wall because only one tire went off the ground.  The suburban was sitting on the frame on the rock wall, with one tire dangling about 12 inches off the ground and the other one just barely on the ground.  I was distressed and frustrated.  An older man stopped and commented “well, you are in a predicament.”  He was very kind though, he said he would drive over to an auto repair shop across the street and ask if they might be able to send someone over to help me.  About 10 minutes passed and the owner of the shop came over in his truck.  It is a shop that we have gone to before.  I knew that Neal liked working with the mechanic so I trusted him.  He gave me advice on how to get going again.  He was worried about how the car was sitting and didn’t feel like we could jack it up.  He also examined it and said that nothing was hurt.  Amazingly I didn’t hit anything but the frame, no pipes or muffler were damaged.  I was so grateful.  He called his friend with a tow truck to come over.  He came and lifted the back end of the suburban up and pushed it forward to get it back on solid ground.  Then the tow truck driver wrote the bill out to the auto shop, so I would get a business to business price.  The mechanic that came over didn’t charge me anything for his time or help. Then, I didn’t have money with me to pay for the tow truck.  The mechanic said he trusted me and just asked that I come in a pay him sometime in the next day or so.  Then they wished me well and I went on my way.  During all this the car wash opened up, I decided to not go through it then.  I went back and did it Monday.  When Caleb saw were we where he said “no mom, don’t do it again!”  Made me laugh.  I didn’t back up on Monday. Friday I had called Neal and he had left work, but as luck has it, I was free and he met up with me at home.  He was glad I got help.  Then he went into the shop and paid the mechanic for me.  It was a crazy adventure.  I am thankful no one or nothing got hurt.  I will be more careful about backing up now.

The kids had fun doing a dance night and a music night.  I did a short video of them.  They enjoy music.  Often Ruth will put on some classical music and dance around, the boys sometimes join in.  

All this activity I got so tired Saturday I had a hard time keeping up with the kids.  Neal got home from work Saturday evening and when I said I was tired he said I should go to bed.  So I did.  I went to bed right after the kids, about 8:30 and slept until 6:30 the next morning.  Sleep is a good thing.

Monday morning I put out the flag with Andrew’s help.  He was wanting to help since they have talked about flags in scouts.  He is growing up in so many ways and is a good helper.

The kids just finished another term of school.  The time is going quickly.  I was excited for them and their hard work to see that all three of them earned straight A’s.  

Yesterday we went to the museum with our preschool group.  Caleb had so much fun with his friends.  It was a cold day and windy.  

I got out a poncho I made when I was 10 for a Relief Society show and tell activity.  We were talking about things our grandmother’s taught us. I remember my grandma working with me to crochet the poncho, so that is what I shared.  Ruth really liked it and asked if she could use it this winter.  It was fun to see her wearing it this morning.  She wore it to school.  I am glad I kept it.  It is one of the few things I have kept from my childhood.  I am thankful for my grandmothers and their wonderful examples to me.  As I listened to the other women talk last night it made me think more about my wonderful family.  I feel truly blessed.

Ruth in the poncho.

Me in the poncho with my sisters.

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