Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Fall

I enjoyed my birthday last Thursday.  The kids were so excited to have a birthday in the family it made it fun for me.  They sang to me and found little gifts to give me.  It is nice to be showered with love.  Neal gave me some beautiful flowers and I got a couple of new books.  Here’s to another year of life!

Thursday afternoon I went to a meeting.  In our ward our Bishop has been stressing the importance of reaching out to others, being united and helping invite people to come back to church.  Our Relief Society president felt that we needed to try to work with the other leaders in our ward to combine our efforts.  We had a meeting with the presidencies of Primary, Young Women and Relief Society.  I thought it was a positive meeting and helped to communicate with the other groups and what they are doing.  I also enjoyed being with wonderful women on my birthday.  

Saturday and Sunday we enjoyed listening to General Conference.  What a blessing it is to hear from a prophet of God and know that things are okay, even in the difficult times our country is experiencing.  Neal enjoyed watching the Priesthood session at home.  That was nice to hear it too and to keep him home with us.

Saturday morning was warm and I was out getting our food from the Bountiful Basket program.  I got hot helping with things and noted the temperature, it was 85 degrees. About an hour later we were sitting at home watching conference and Neal started opening windows.  He said that it felt nice outside, we checked the on line weather and it said the temperature was 65!  I was surprised at what the wind had blown in.  It stayed cooler all week end and felt so nice.  It has warmed up some, but the mornings are still cool.  I feel it is a blessing to finally have fall here!

On Friday I got a call from the principle at Ruth’s school.  I need to remember that principles don’t always call when there is a problem, I was worried at first.  Then he proceeded to tell me that they were changing the schedules of some of the GT students to group them better.  Ruth got an entire new schedule, with all new teachers, starting yesterday.  She said that it went well.  She was happy to have friends in her new classes, since she knows most of the GT students and that is a big part of her classes.  It was the end of the first term, so that is why they changed it when they did.  I hope that it goes well for her.  She got straight A’s for the first term. 

Andrew did well in his first term of school.  He got a 95 on his last spelling test.  We work on his words every day together.  He is struggling still with spelling and reading, but improving all the time.  I hope it can get better soon because I think it is slowing him down in other subjects.  He loves math and does very well with that.  He is enjoying his GT classes too.

Spencer loves school.  It is fun to hear his chatter at the end of the day.  He is always so full of energy and fun.  He is doing well learning to read.  He had high scores on everything, but for the first term of 1st grade he will just get “S” or “U” on his report card.  I am sure next term it will be all A’s!

Spencer being a little silly with balloons on my birthday!

Caleb is learning too.  He enjoys going to his preschool class.  He had so much fun with it yesterday.  He is working hard learning his letters and numbers.  He will ask me about the days of the week too.  He is catching on to things so fast.  He said to me the other day “3 and 3 make 6 and 5 and 5 make 10”  I thought that was pretty good for a 3 year old to figure out just by looking at his apple slices and fingers.

Our garden is all coming up and I hope that things can grow well this fall.  I am trying to help the kids get their Halloween costumes ready.  They are all excited about it.  It is interesting to me that most animal costumes for children are for little kids, size 6 and smaller.  It has been a challenge to find something for Andrew.  Even in patterns I couldn’t find a larger child size.  I bought a small adult and will scale it down a little for Andrew.  He really wants to be a tiger.  That was hard to find fabric too.  Where is the orange tiger fabric?  I was seeing lots of pink and green tiger prints.  I found a black and orange “zebra” print that I bought.  I hope he thinks it is okay, I thought it looked like it would work.  That will be my next project.  Last week I made Ruth a new skirt.  It was really easy, I like easy patterns, and she loves it for the twirling capacity.  I enjoy sewing things for the kids.

Ruth in her new skirt.

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