Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

I think my kids are wonderful.  They are always doing such great things and I am thankful to be their mother.  Andrew got a letter this week saying he was accepted to the Gifted and Talented program at school for next year.  He is enjoying school and is excited to do the GT things that Ruth has done.  Ruth also had a letter about GT saying that the school district is expanding the GT program into 5th  and 6th grade. One thing I really liked about that was the letter said the GT kids would be put together in classes, keeping them together to advance at a quicker pace.  I think that will be neat for her to keep with a group of kids who enjoy learning as much as she does.

Last week Spencer had lots of fun on his field trip to the zoo and Jumping Place.  He was happy when he came home.  Yesterday Andrew went on a field trip to the Mayborn museum.  They had a tour of the Pioneer Village and had a stop at each building where their tour guide told them things about pioneer life.  He really enjoyed it, even though he has seen the village before with the family.  They kids are happy that they are starting the last month of school for the year.  They have all enjoyed school.  Yesterday we stayed at the school when I picked them up, to play on their play ground.  The kids wanted some free time to play, and to be able to play with each other, on the school play ground.  Caleb had lots of fun there too.

Caleb loves train tracks.  He loves it when we cross them.  It amazes me that he knows where all the crossings are.  Lately when I tell him that we are going somewhere he will tell me how many times we cross the tracks.  Like I said yesterday we were going to the grocery store, he said “we will cross the tracks two times.”  Then today we went to the library, “we will cross the tracks one time.”  It cracks me up that he is so intent on it.  He gets very excited right before we cross too, yelling out “I am ready!”  Then he says “yay!” as we cross.  Today he was playing with the trains and told me he made “track butterflies.”  I took a picture because I realized I didn’t have any pictures this week.  We have also seen the train a couple of times this week and he thinks that is double amazing!  He wouldn’t go into story time today until the train was all gone.  Story time was fun because, Gail, the librarian, had a craft for the kids.  She often will pass out little crafts for them to do at home but today was a craft there to make binoculars with toilet paper tubes.  Caleb was so cute as we walked out he was holding them to his face giggling as he walked. 

Friday evening we had the missionaries over for dinner.  They are always such good examples to the kids.  They are great to have in our home.  The kids love it when they come too.  I had to leave early to take dinner to a family I visit teach, their daughter had had tubes put in her ears that day.  I am glad that I could serve.

Saturday morning Ruth’s friend from school, Lexi, came over.  The girls had been planning this all week.  They made cookies together and then set up a bench outside to sell cookies and lemonade.  They had their sign made to say all money earned would go to the city of West.  They made $14 selling things.  Then Ruth donated $10 of her birthday money.  Monday afternoon I took Ruth into the Credit Union and she donated the money to the fund the CU had set up for the city of West.  Ruth really wanted to do something to help.  I thought it was really sweet of her and Lexi to do it.

Saturday afternoon we went to a birthday party for a friend from church. They had invited the entire family to come play at the Jumping Place.  The kids were all so excited to go play with their friends at such a fun place.  The Jumping Place is a big room with inflatables the kids can play on.  Caleb had fun going through a little maze and the other kids loved going down a giant slide.  They all played hard.  It was a fun party.  Neal wasn’t able to join us since he was working Saturday.

Sunday was a nice day to go to church and spend time with the family.  It was also nice because Neal was home.  I went into my bed room for about two hours that afternoon and had some time to myself.  I was working on a lesson for Relief Society that I will teach this week and I took a nap.  It was nice to have a break from the demands of the kids.  

Monday I was doing some yard work and watered the garden and lawn around the garden.  I told the kids after school that the garden area was wet and so there was mud under the tree they liked to play under.  I asked them to please not play there so they wouldn’t get muddy.  I came inside the house and was working on laundry and things and Ruth came in and said the boys were in the mud.  I went out and found they had even turned on the hose to make more mud.  They had it all over themselves and on the drive way.  I was frustrated because they had done exactly what I had asked them not to do.  They got cleaned up and sat on their beds until dinner.  That night for Family Home Evening we had a lesson on obedience.  I think sometimes they do things like that because they are just seeking attention.  I try hard to give them attention but I know I get busy.

Tuesday evening I was able to go to my book club meeting.  We met at the Three Spoon yogurt place.  I enjoyed a treat and talking to the other ladies about our book this month.  It was a nice evening.  I got home at 8:45 and was surprised to see the kids all up still.  Neal had been playing games with them.  I thought it was nice they got some daddy time.

I hope everyone can enjoy a beautiful May Day.

Caleb's butterfly train tracks

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