Thursday, April 25, 2013

School Days

Caleb has been singing the Primary song “Give Said the Little Stream” a lot the last few days.  His nursery teacher told me once that he is one of the kids that actually sings in nursery.  I am thankful he likes music.

Andrew had a great time at his field trip to the Christmas Tree farm.  He thought the best part was seeing a very large garden and to see asparagus growing.  He has decided he really likes asparagus, we have been getting a lot of it in the Bountiful Basket produce we buy.  Tuesday I took Andrew to an orthodontist to have his jaw checked.  The doctor felt like his jaw didn’t need any help right now.  He suggested to let him grow for a couple of years and then have it checked again.  He was concerned about the crowed teeth in the lower jaw.  In fact he suggested to pull out a couple of baby teeth and put in a spacer to help the teeth come in better.  We will probably do that in the near future.  

Friday morning I took Caleb to the doctor for a 3 year old well child visit. He is doing great.  The funniest comment was from the new nurse who looked at him, looked at his chart and said “Are you sure you are only 3?”  He is still in the 95th percentile for his size.  After the doctor we went to the park and played with friends.  That afternoon after school the kids were outside playing and Caleb tripped and fell on the drive way.  He scraped up his knees bad.  It was cute to watch Andrew walking with him slowly up the drive to the house with his arm around him.  All the kids were so concerned for Caleb as I clean him up and covered this sores.  It was cute they were so concerned.

Saturday I took the kids to the Mayborn museum to the pioneer historic village.  They were doing spring activities outside.  They had people dressed up and activities for the kids.  We enjoyed a puppet show, touching baby ducks and chicks, planting seeds in their garden, playing pioneer games and listening to a gospel choir singing.  It was a fun day.  We went inside the museum and had fun looking at the Robot exhibit again before it leaves at the end of this month.  On our way home from the museum we stopped at a shoe store and I bought everyone sandals for the summer and new sneakers for me and Ruth.  It was a brave of me to take all four kids into a store like that but we made it out without making too many messes. 

Sunday was a quiet day and I enjoyed being with the family going to church.  It always gives me strength to face another busy week.

Monday morning I took Caleb to the park for a birthday party for a friend.  It was fun to see lots of friends, visit and play.  Caleb’s favorite part was the cup cakes.  I am glad that we have friends.   Wednesday morning I took Caleb to the museum again and we met up with some friends there.  It was a fun time too.  I am glad that I can spend time with Caleb.

Ruth had lots of fun at her Activity Days last night.  The girls were planning an activity for May.  Ruth gave me a cute invitation for a “Mommy and Me” activity.  It sounds like fun.  Ruth had the state testing STAAR this week.  She was worried about taking these important tests but I encouraged her and am sure she did just fine.  Ruth finished reading all the letters I have written from when I started writing each week in 2005 until now.  She said it was fun to learn things and remember things from being little.  

Spencer is on a field trip today.  The kindergarten classes went to the zoo this morning.  Then they were going to the Jumping Place, eat pizza and jump on all the inflatables.  They were going to be gone from the school all day.  He was so excited to go play with his friends all day.  It is fun they can do some fun activities with their classes to end the school year. 

Yesterday the kids brought home their report cards.  Ruth and Andrew had all their scores above 90, Ruth even earned a 100 in science!  They are doing well and enjoy school and learning.

Neal has been really busy with work again.  He worked last Saturday and has been putting in long hours all week.  It is hard to have him gone so much.  I am enjoying seeing the garden growing.  I enjoyed some spinach I picked yesterday.  Last night I went to our Relief Society teacher training meeting.  The president and I taught the other sisters about how to teach the gospel.  I think the meeting went well and I felt good about how my part went.

As many of you heard in the news last Wednesday evening (the 17th) there was an explosion in the city of West Texas.  That is about 25 miles north of us.  It is in our ward boundaries.  We only have a few members that live up there and they were all safe.  This is something that has been difficult for me because it happened so close to home.  Today is a memorial service for the fire fighters who were killed in the blast.  President Obama will be there too.  I read in the paper today that there were 15 deaths and over 200 injured and about 350 homes destroyed or damaged.  This is a lot for a small community of only 2800 people.  Schools were damaged too.  Every day I read things about their clean up and wish there was more we could do.  The church is organizing and waiting for the clearance to say volunteers can come in for clean up.  Right now the area is only open to some families, the area hardest hit even the home owners can’t get in yet.  One thing with all this that has amazed me is how giving everyone is and how the greater Waco community has united together to help these people.  It really is neat to see.  I feel blessed to be a part of Central Texas.  

I hope that everyone can be blessed with the things that they need at this time.

The boys in their new pajamas.  Can you tell they didn't want their picture taken? Do you see the upside-down clouds on Spencers?

I really like spring time here.  The country side is so pretty.  These pictures are from the drive to Robinson, where I go 1 or 2 times a week.  (A good part of our Ward lives there).  It is nice to see the farms between the towns.  This is corn starting to grow.

At the museum village.  Spencer is ringing the church bell.

We really liked looking at the baby chicks and duckies. 

Playing some fun little games.  Ruth and I were enjoying all the rose bushes around the buildings. 

planting some seeds in the garden

enjoying a break on the farm house front porch 

The boys wouldn't look at me, they were too busy looking at the Robot!

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