Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beautiful Spring Time

Sometimes I feel like life is so busy I can’t think about everything at the same time.  Then I wonder why I am so busy.  With sick kids, keeping track of appointments and school work, serving in the church and just keeping the home and yard cared for, no wonder that I feel overwhelmed at times.  

Last Friday morning I was rushing out the door to get the kids to school and they were all in the car and the car wouldn’t start!  It was 7:50, 10 minutes until school started, and there I was stuck in the garage.  The kids piled out, they thought it was great.  I did the first thing I thought of, call Neal.  He didn’t have any solutions for me of course, but did say he would make sure to come home in time to pick them up from school and look at the Suburban to see what was wrong.  Then I called my friend, Jeanette.  I thought of her since she lives close and doesn’t have children at home.  She was willing to come pick up the kids and take them to school.  They were a little late but it worked.  I am thankful for her help!  It is nice to belong to a ward family who can serve each other.  It ended up being the battery and Neal was able to get it jumped and over to a shop.  He ended up buying a new battery and all has worked well since.

Friday morning I also had looked forward to going to play group and felt frustrated that I couldn’t.  My friend Laurel  was able to come pick us up and go to the park.  It was so nice of her and I enjoyed being at the park with the friends there.  Again, I am thankful for friends. 

That evening the missionaries came for dinner.  After they left I just felt physically and emotionally tired.  The kids all wanted to play, we went outside to enjoy the nice evening.  At first I let them all go and enjoyed a minute of quiet by myself.  Then I thought I should go out and enjoy my family.  I ended up throwing a frisbee with Neal and Andrew.  It was fun.  

Saturday was another busy day, of course.  I took the kids to the park for a birthday party for a friend from church.  We had fun with the activities and playing at the park.  That afternoon I took the kids over to the school where there are lots of beautiful blue bonnets growing in the field.  I took some fun pictures.  Neal was busy doing lots of yard work for us.  He was able to get the edging done on our new flower beds.  They are looking nice.  Yesterday I was able to buy a lot of petunias for cheep and planted them.  I am enjoying the flowers and spring time.  

Saturday afternoon the kids had the fun idea to paint rocks. We let them have their water colors out on the drive way and they painted lots of rocks.  It was fun and entertained them for a long time.  And it wasn’t messy because they were out side.  

Sunday Caleb started to not feel well.  He has some simple infection, the main symptom is a cough and a mild fever that comes and goes.  He has played happily and hasn’t seemed that sick.  He slept through the night last night which was really nice.  So today I think he is doing a lot better.  Ruth woke up this morning and didn’t feel well.  She went to school, but called about 45 minutes into her day and said she just wanted to come home and rest.  I hope she can be okay.   (She seems fine now, I have to keep reminding her that she is home sick!)  Today Andrew went on a field trip with school to a Christmas tree farm.  I am sure he will have lots to tell us when he comes home.  

Sunday I helped Ruth hang up some of her flower garland.  A couple of months ago she had a great idea of hanging paper flowers around the perimeter of her room.  She spent a lot of time over spring break cutting the flowers out.  Then the project staled.  I think she got tired of it.  I helped her finish one length of flowers and hang it up.  Now she is excited about doing the rest of the room again.

Andrew had fun over the week end making elaborate train tracks.  He even built a three layer one.  He still loves trains but I think he enjoys building the tracks more than actually playing with the trains.  Andrew read his first chapter book by himself!  I was so proud of him.  He pick up one of his A to Z Mystery books and read it.  It took about a week, he was reading slow and only read a few pages a day.  But he did it and had fun with it.  Then he started another one.  I am so happy that he is finally wanting to read on his own.  He will get up a little early in the morning and read until breakfast.  He is also asking for more time each night to “finish the chapter!”  This morning he was even reading a short story book to Caleb.  I am thankful that his reading has improved so much.

Yesterday Spencer asked me “Mom, how did you get to be so smart?”  I thought it was great he thinks I am smart.  I told him I went to school for a long time and I am still learning through the things I read and do.  I encouraged him to continue to learn how to read.  He is still enjoying Kindergarten but I think is ready for summer and more play time!

Caleb is in his independence streak.  He often will say to me “this is only for one person” or “no people around me.”  His creative ways of saying I want to do this on my own.  He loves to wash his hands right now.  He will lather up for a few minutes and then call to me to come turn on the water to rinse.  He also says “good job Caleb” to himself when he does things. 

I have started getting back into consistent walking.  I didn’t do that great during the winter.  Now the weather is warming up and I can go in the mornings again.  I enjoy that time to start my day.  On Monday my visiting teacher met me at the park and walked with me.  That was nice.  I am thankful for all the wonderful people around me.

Ruth got a butterfly painted at the party we went to, Caleb and Spencer had messed up their face paint too much to take a picture of it!  Andrew didn't want it.

Our spring flower blue bonnet pictures!

Andrew with his three level train track

playing outside barefoot!  they were enjoying the soft new grass

The new edging on the flower beds and all the flowers I planted.

Ruth's bedroom garland


  1. Fun pictures! One day I'll get to Texas in the spring time so I can see the blue bonnets in person...they look beautiful!
