Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Crazy Week!

We have had an eventful week.  Ruth was excited last Wednesday to go to Activity Days.  They had a change in leadership and haven’t had an activity since the first week of December.  She had lots of fun with her friends.  Thursday morning we had a storm come through.  It was interesting how everything got dark and then the rain just poured down.  It was like we were being dumped on, it came so fast it just ran off the roof, the gutters were too full.  Then it was over.  It only lasted about 10 minutes.  Then the sun came out and it was a beautiful day.

Friday morning it was cool and cloudy.  Caleb had been invited to a birthday party at the park.  We went but it was too cold.  They had the party, but the kids didn’t play much because they were cold.  We ate cake and then left.  As I was buckling Caleb in his seat he said “that was a great party.”  That made me laugh.  But I guess he just enjoyed being with his friends.  Caleb has been waking up a lot at night.  He cries and doesn’t want to be in his bed.  Sunday night I was up with him for over an hour and finally gave in and let him sleep by me in my bed.  Last night he came in to me, no cries, and said very loudly “mommy I had a bad dream.” I was thankful I got him to stay in his own bed, but was still up for over 30 minutes with him.  It is wearing on me to be up in the night.  I guess it has been hard on him too because yesterday afternoon he slept for 3 hours.  

Friday Neal came home at lunch time.  It was fun to have him home early.  He worked on our water heater.  It hasn’t been working right for a few months and he took time to look at it more.  As he drained it and took out the elements he decided we really should just get a new one (what my vote was all along.)  He went to the store and bought a new water heater, the same kind and size as our old one.  Then that evening after the kids were in bed Neal and I had the fun of installing it.  The biggest issue was that our water heater is in a small closet in our garage.  The door way is only 17 inches across.  The new model we bought is 17 1/2 inches wide.  So we were trying to decide what we would need to do to get it in.  I noticed screws on the door frame.  Neal took the screws out and found that the entire frame and door jam just lifted out of the door way!  Someone else had this problem.  With the door frame out of the way we have a 20 inch opening, so no problem getting the new one in.  Neal was able to get it all connected up and it has been nice to have hot water regularly now!

Saturday Neal spent most the day looking for a car.  He ended up going to Killeen and then onto a dealership just north of Austin.  He didn’t get home until the kids bed time.  He was excited about what he had seen.  We talked about cars and made the decision to buy a 2009 Mazda 6.  We drove back to Austin Monday morning after dropping off the school kids.  We were able to buy the car and get it back home, although it took longer than we had hoped.  I was late to my RS presidency meeting by an hour!  They were understanding about it though.  I am so thankful we got a nice car that should work well for a long time.  It is nice to have that stress taken care of.  Now we just need to sell or get rid of the Dodge!

Saturday I had gone to get my Bountiful Basket food and talked to a friend there that said they were putting in a garden and taking out sod in their yard.  I asked if we could have the sod.  It ended up that Neal went over at 10:00 pm and got the sod and spread it out in our yard.  It wasn’t much, but at least it filled in a little bit of the dead grass area in the side yard.  

One more thing that happened on Saturday.  I decided that we really needed to get the garden planted.  With the kids help we spread out the compost and dug it up.  Andrew helped a lot getting it all smoothed out.  I had to do the digging because he couldn’t get the shovel in very well.  I was thankful for the kids help.  It took me all afternoon but I was able to dig it all up.  We expanded the garden into the area where we had the compost pile.  We moved the compost to outside of the garden wood border.  The grass had died there anyway, so we moved it so I could have more space to grow a garden.  Our garden looks nice all dug up, it is 16 by 24 feet.  After taking a break I went out with the kids and planted seeds.  Now we wait and see if they will grow.  I am thankful we got it in.

Sunday I attended a baptism for a family the missionaries taught.  I was asked to go to fellowship the mother.  The mother wasn’t being baptized but four of her children were.  It was a sweet meeting and the spirit was there.  I was able to talk to the mother and hope that she can feel the desires to be baptized too.  Her children were very attentive and excited about it all.

Tuesday was a very busy day for me.  With being gone all day Monday I was trying to get laundry (my Monday chore) done and my Tuesday shopping done too.  Today feels so quiet.  I took Caleb to the library this morning and it is nice to not feel rushed to do things.  I am thankful for the sun shine, although it is cool, around 50 degrees right now.  I hope for the sunshine to continue so we can get our roses and other plants bought and planted soon.  I am glad that I am feeling well enough to do all this yard work.  I have been sore, but not too bad.  

Last night I went to a book club meeting.  We have combined our group with one from the Waco 1st ward.  I was able to meet some new ladies and had a great discussion.  Only five us of came, so I can see why we needed to combine groups.  I guess people get busy and can’t always come.  I enjoy going to a book club because it gets me to read interesting books and I get to talk about something with other women besides our kids. 

The kids are having fun in school.  All of us have had a slight cold, stuffy and tired.  Neal and Andrew have sore throats too.  I hope we can all rest and get over all the stresses and find more peaceful relaxing time soon!

The kids have fun playing in the dirt under the trees, they like to build little houses out of sticks.  

The garden all planted.  The green tuff is lettuce that was still growing from the fall garden that I just went around.

A view of the house from across the street.

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