Thursday, November 30, 2017


Where did the month of November go?  Time passes so quickly.  I will back up to where I left off in my last letter.  On Saturday the 11th Andrew went with the youth to do a service project at a cemetery.  They were documenting grave markers for “billiongraves” website.  They also helped to put out small flags on veterans graves.  Andrew enjoyed helping.  That day Ruth went to a picnic at a park with her friend Grace and Grace’s family.  Ruth enjoyed the nice day at the park with her friend. That evening Andrew attended a birthday party for Sam, who just turned 12 in our ward.  And Neal went to an Elder Quorums dinner. He enjoyed visiting with the men and eating a good smoked brisket.

On Tuesday the 14th I went to a Relief Society dinner and enjoyed brisket too.  That party did a White Elephant gift exchange and I ended up with a unique gift.  I got a goldfish in a mason jar.  I was surprised because from the weight and shape of it I figured it was a candle, so when I pulled it out and saw a fish swimming it was surprise.  The kids were so excited to have a pet.  We decided to name him Fred.  I looked up information on how to care for a goldfish in a open fishbowl, but we used a large pickle jar.  I did all the things the website told me to do and bought a small container of goldfish food.  I did my best to care for it but sadly little Fred died after five days with us. 

Spencer joined a knitting club at the school.  It is run by his teacher and he really wanted to do it.  He is not doing true knitting with needles but is using a little loom to make a scarf.  He is working hard at it.  When I asked why he picked a scarf and not a hat like so many of the other kids are doing, he answered by saying he could use a scarf for a long time but a hat he might out grow in a couple of years and he wants his work to last. 

On the 15th I went to the elementary school to listen to the second grade, Caleb, do their music program.  They sang patriotic and Thanksgiving songs.  It was a fun program.  They only did the program in the morning so the rest of the family wasn’t able to go to it.  On the 16th I went to the elementary school to eat a Thanksgiving lunch with Spencer and Caleb.  We enjoyed eating our turkey, visiting and having lunch together that day.

Caleb is in the back row in yellow looking at me and smiling, this was before they started to sing

Spencer and Caleb had the whole week of Thanksgiving off of school because the school did parent teacher conferences on Monday and Tuesday.  I enjoyed visiting with their teachers.  The boys are doing well in their classes.  Their teachers like them and say what good boys they are.  Caleb’s teacher said one things she likes about him is that he is always happy!

On Friday the 17th Neal and Andrew went camping with the boy scouts.  It got cold that night and in the morning they said someone had a thermometer to say it was 16 degrees.  They had fun though and were prepared for cold.  Saturday they did a hike through a lava tube cave. Andrew came home and was telling me how cool it was to shimmy down tubes and look at the caverns with his head lamp.  When I had asked him to tell me about it he said “mom, you would never do that.” I told him that was why I needed to hear about it because I knew I would never do it.  Andrew is having lots of fun with the scouts.

That was a busy week end.  Friday evening Ruth went to the high school production of “Macbeth” with some friends.  She enjoyed seeing her first Shakespeare play performed.  She also enjoyed watching some friends perform in it. 

Saturday the 17th was a big model train show. Spencer and I went to it for the morning.  I was volunteering to help with the activity for the children.  Spencer enjoyed looking around and helping with the youth club display and running the engines there. 

With Spencer and Caleb out of school last week I took them to the science museum.  We enjoyed looking at things and being together.  Ruth and Andrew were out of school Wednesday through Friday, Neal also took those days off.  It was nice to have a lot of family time. Neal and Andrew did some bike riding on some mountain trails.  Andrew almost has his biking merit badge done.  Thursday was Thanksgiving day.  I enjoyed fixing our feast with Andrew and Ruth. They were both very good helpers.  Ruth set the table all pretty with our china dishes. They were such good helpers that we had things ready early and were just waiting for the turkey to finish.  So we had time to clean up our cooking mess before dinner. 

While we waited for the turkey Neal took the boys into the open space for a bike ride.  It was the first time Caleb had been out there with his bike.  He came home with tears saying how hard it was to ride on dirt trails and how he fell a couple of times.  Interesting thing was that the next morning he asked Andrew to go out with him again.  His second time on the open space trails was much better and he said it was fun. 

Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner and had fun visiting and playing games in the afternoon.  It was a good day of thanksgiving for all our blessings, especially family.  We enjoyed phone calls with our grandparents too.

Ruth took some pictures of the table to remember how she did it and to show how it looked pretty

A few weeks ago our dishwasher gave out.  It hadn’t been working very well since we moved in the house and we just kept trying to get the most out of it.  I have no idea how old it is but we finally gave up on it working.  We have been doing dishes by hand for a few weeks now.  It is good practice for the kids to learn how to do that.  Last week Neal and I did dishwasher shopping and looked at many things.  We had a nice man help us at one appliance store and he taught us a lot about how different types of dishwashers work.  That store was competitive in prices so that is where I went back to to buy one this last Tuesday.  It was a hard decision for us because we liked different things in different brands.  I liked the features of the Kitchenaid but was frustrated that they didn’t sell most of their models in black.  We wanted black to match our kitchen.  The one model that came in black only came with a big handle that we didn’t like.  It was also one of the most expensive models.  Then we were told Kitchenaid had black appliances on back order and not sure how soon we could even get one. We decided to go with our other top choice of a Bosch, they sell theirs in black.  They had a model of Bosch that we had looked at in their inventory so I bought it Tuesday.  Neal has worked hard to get it hooked up and we ran our first load last night.  I am thankful to have a dishwasher again and I hope that this one works well for a long time.

The kids are very excited that we plan on setting up our Christmas tree tomorrow.  I need to get our fall decorations down.  It is fun to be starting the Christmas season and we look forward to the activities and time with family this coming month.

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