Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Peace of Christ

I was debating about writing today or not.  I have some things I want to share, so I write. I just got back from the school to see Caleb and the kindergarten classes singing some holiday songs.  It was a nice program and the kids did a great job. 

Now for a couple of highlights to our week. On Saturday we had a ward Christmas dinner and Nativity presentation.  It was a nice evening.  Andrew was Joseph in the Nativity.  He did a great job and looked nice in the costume I made for him.  

It was snowing that evening and Sunday morning we got up to about five inches of snow.  It was pretty but slippery.  We went to church a little early so Neal and Ruth could be there for the choir warm ups.  We got the boys ready quickly and all went together so I wouldn’t have to drive in the snow.  We got there and Neal and Ruth went off to the choir, I was going slower with the boys when I noticed that Spencer’s pants didn’t look right.  They were very short on him.  Then I looked at Caleb and his pants were too long. I laughed and realized they had put on each others pants.  I had them go into the restroom and change.  They came out giggling and we all thought it was funny.  

The choir did some wonderful music in our meeting.  I felt the spirit so much and was feeling rather emotional through it all.  I am thankful for beautiful music, especially Christmas music. I taught my primary class and made it through church time.  I just felt tired emotionally and physically.  We had a nice Sunday afternoon together.  I managed to make a few candies but my heart just wasn’t in it.  I usually enjoy making Christmas candy and sharing it with others.  I just haven’t been able to get myself into the Christmas spirit this year.

Monday was a good day for me. I wrapped Christmas presents and thought it was great to get it all done while the kids were at school.  The evening was busy.  Neal was late coming home, the kids were active and I was tired.  Then I got a phone call from my Mom.  She asked me to talk to my Dad and tell him how much I loved him.  He was having a very hard day and had a hard time talking and breathing.  I felt a very calm spirit and knew in my heart that I was saying good bye.  I felt God’s love with me at that time.  That evening Neal asked if I wanted to fly out to Utah in the morning.  I thought it over and prayed and just felt like I needed to stay with my family.

Tuesday morning I was worried as I ran errands.  I kept wondering when the phone call would come to say more about Dad.  After Ruth got home from school I called Mom and she was with Dad but she was worried because Dad was in so much pain.  They couldn’t talk, Dad tried too but couldn’t get words out I could understand.  That was about 3:45.  Just two hours later, after we had hurried through home work and dinner, we were preparing to go out the door to go to Ruth’s band concert.  The kids were getting coats on and we were rushing to get Ruth there in time.  The phone rang.  Neal answered it, it was my sister Mandy.  I picked up the phone and knew before she said anything.  Neal knew too and quickly got the kids out of the house so Ruth could go to the concert without worries.  She did enjoy her concert and Neal said they sounded great.  I felt bad I missed it. Mandy said that Dad passed away about 5:00.  Mom and Susan were with him.  All is well.  He is now out of pain and we can have the hope that comes through Christ that we will be with him again.  What a glorious reunion he must be having with all his loved ones who have gone before.  I feel sad that I didn’t get to hold his hand one last time or get another hug.  But I also feel great peace knowing he lived a wonderful life and I will see him again.  He has had a great struggle with cancer for many years and now that is over. 

When Neal and the children came home we sat them down and talked to them about what had happened.  Ruth took it the hardest and I had to sit with her for awhile so she could feel calm enough to go to sleep.  Caleb asked the question of “what do people look like in heaven?”  I told him that Grandpa was now able to stand and walk well and he would look young and happy, but he would still look like Grandpa.  

I am thankful I had that quiet time by myself to remember my Dad and his love for his family.  I had a nice talk with my Mom and sisters last night too. They assure me that they are well and I can continue on with our plans to come on Saturday.  We have planned to go to their home for Christmas all along.  I look forward to having the family together soon and give lots of hugs. I love you all.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ and know that because he lives my Dad will also live again.

I took some pictures of the kids for a family project.  I thought I would share them because they turned out good.

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