Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Love of Christmas

This has been a busy and emotional week for me.  Last Wednesday my sister Mandy called to let me know my Dad went to the hospital to get a CT scan to find out about his back pain and his loss of control of his legs.  He came back home afterwards.  On Friday the doctor wanted him to be admitted to the hospital.  He is receiving radiation treatments on a tumor that is in his spine.  This is the same cancer that he has been battling for many years now.  It has been hard for the family.  I appreciate so much my sisters who live close and have done so much to help my parents this week.  Dad is doing okay.  He is still in the hospital but will be moving soon to a nursing facility for full time care.  I have been able to talk to Dad multiple times this week and hope that I can help in some small way.  

Now for a few things that our family has been up to. Last Thursday the boys had Pack Meeting.  Both Andrew and Spencer earned some awards and progress towards their ranks.  They enjoy doing the cub scout program.  

Friday evening we went as a family to the science museum for a Christmas activity.  They had some live music going on, a few little activities for the kids and people talking about the displays.  We enjoyed learning more about mammals jaws and seeing some things in the museum together.  

The school is doing a book fair and since I am a library volunteer I have been helping with it.  Friday afternoon I went to help set things up for it.  Monday I went in to help for a bit.  Tomorrow I will be spending the morning there.  It is a busy time of year to increase my volunteer time, but it is going well.  The boys all want to buy books, of course, it is fun to see many neat things there.  It makes me more appreciative of libraries.  That way we can read and learn from many good books but don’t have to wonder where to keep them or if we will read them again.

Friday morning I went to the temple.  I felt the spirit so strong that day.  I knew that God was aware of me and my family and that he loves us.  It was very comforting.  Saturday and Sunday was a big Stake Conference.  Saturday evening Neal and I attended an adult meeting and then Sunday morning we went to a big civic center with multiple Stakes in the area for the conference.  They created a new stake in the area.  It is neat to see how simply these things are done.  The church is growing here.  It was all a very spiritual time for me.  I loved being in those meetings with so many members of the church there.  Then Sunday evening we watched the Christmas devotional from home.  The messages were perfect for what I needed.  I know that Christ came into the world and this Christmas time when we celebrate his birth is special.  I am thankful he did come to earth and became our Savior.  It is good to remember.

Caleb lost his first tooth on Sunday and then another one yesterday.  They are his lower front teeth.  He is so excited to have them come out and even more excited that the tooth fairy came and left him two quarters.  At school the kindergarten classes are preparing for a Christmas concert next week.  One of the songs they are learning is “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.”  He was so excited this morning to show his teacher that he is missing two front teeth!  He is a happy kid.

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