Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Break!

It has been two weeks since I wrote.  Sometimes I have notes to remind me what happened during the week.  Today I thought I would just write and see what I remember.  I was just looking at the new listing for our Hewitt house.  We had taken it off the market for a month and now have it listed again with a different realtor.  I hope that spring time is a good time for it and it will have someone interested in it soon. As I looked through the pictures the new realtor took it made me feel sad to see the yard looking unkept.  I have been missing Texas springs this last month.  March was always a busy month in the yard, planting a garden, planting flowers, cleaning up weeds.  I miss my yard and home.  It would help a lot if it was sold because then I wouldn’t have to keep thinking about it sitting there empty.

Last week was our spring break.  My sister Rachel came to spend the week with us.  It was so much fun with her doing things with us.  Caleb was talking to his friend Justin about it later and said his aunt was with us.  Justin asked what kind of aunt.  Caleb thought and said “there are ants that crawl around on the ground, but the kind of aunt I mean is someone special who does fun things with you.”  I enjoyed having another adult with me to do things while the kids were out of school for a week.  

Monday we went to the Denver Zoo.  We had heard good things about it and I wanted to let the kids see things in Denver.  So Monday was zoo day.  We brought our lunch with us and spent the day.  We walked all over and saw so many animals.  We wore the kids, and adults, out!  We had the red wagon with us to pull our stuff around.  It ended up carrying the two youngest boys too.  Andrew was a great helper at pulling the wagon.  

Tuesday was zoo recovery day. In the morning I took Ruth shopping and found some cute fabric for a new spring dress.  I finally got it all cut out and hope to start sewing on it soon. In the afternoon we went miniature golfing.  Only Andrew had done it before, the other kids had fun experiencing it.  We had some pretty high scores.  

Wednesday we woke up to snow.  It wasn’t totally a surprise, since it was in the forecast, but it was a damper on “spring” break.  We still packed up our lunch and took off to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  We took a different route there to avoid the freeway, because of the snowy roads.  But I didn’t realize my new route would take us through down town Denver.  It took us almost an hour to get there.  Then when we did we found the parking lot completely full and lots of cars still driving around to find something. Not a good sign.  The museum is next to the zoo, so we parked in the zoo parking lot, which was rather empty, because who wants to go to the zoo in the snow?  It was cold as we walked in the snow up to the museum building.  The lines were crazy long, but we decided we were there and would stay and see it all!  We got into the museum and enjoyed looking at some pretty amazing things.  We brought the stroller with us that day. It carried our lunch and all our coats.  Oh, but Rachel didn’t bring a coat, after all, it was “spring” break.  We enjoyed our indoor activity on a stormy day.  And we saw it all, we stayed about six hours and left right before it closed.  When we left about 5:00 the sun was out and the snow was gone and it was about 45 degrees.  So thankfully it was a quick snow storm.  We were so tired and worn out from the museum that I did the unusual for me and stopped at Sonic and bought dinner.  

One of the displays was on Mythic creatures.  It was cool to see it.  They were taking pictures with a blue screen and emailing it to you.  I thought this was a funny one that the boys did.

Spencer loved this climbing wall and went around it many times!

Caleb got worn out and was glad we had the stroller to take a nap.

Thursday morning we spent at home, recovering from the museum.  After lunch we took a drive into Denver again.  We went to the Denver temple.  It was nice to walk around the grounds and let the kids see the pretty temple.  Then we drove to the Hammond Candy factory.  We went on a tour and got a free candy at the end.  We also bought candy.  I guess their free tours get customers into their store.  We enjoyed it.  

Friday morning Ruth and I went to the new movie “Cinderella.”  The boys weren’t interested in going and Rachel had seen it already, so they stayed home and watched a movie of their own choice.  Ruth and I really enjoyed Cinderella, it was a good movie to go to with her.  We went to a morning showing and when we got home we were ready for lunch.  The boys and Rachel had already eaten.  Spencer was in bed.  Rachel said he went there after the movie and was crying.  He had a fever.  I was thankful no one was sick earlier in the week, so we were able to do so much.  Friday afternoon we decided to stay home and let the kids play and Spencer rest.

the kids eating their free lollypops from the candy factory

Ruth and I wore out matching shirts to the movie

Friday evening Neal made it home.  We were all happy to see him.  He even brought donuts for the kids.  Saturday morning we enjoyed a nice breakfast together and then we sent Rachel on her way home.  We are thankful she could be with us for a fun week.


One last picture to make sure we got everyone with Rachel

We had a quiet day at home Saturday, letting Spencer rest.  He has had a hard time of this illness.  It was probably a flu.  Saturday evening Ruth and I went to the Women’s meeting at the church.  It was an excellent meeting.  Afterwards the Stake leaders recognized the girls in transition this year, those turning 12 and those graduating from high school.  Ruth was called up and given a little picture of Christ.  She was pleased.  Sunday Spencer was still sick and Neal stayed home with him while the rest of us went to church.  Neal left to go back to Albuquerque after we got home from church.  It was nice to have him home for a couple of days.

Monday morning Spencer was still sick and stayed home from school.  He was sleeping and laying around a lot. He had a fever of about 100-101 for four days.  He hasn’t had much of an appetite either.  Tuesday he was doing better, but still tired. I had him stay home from school again.  He did get to school yesterday and today, but still hasn’t wanted to eat much and has been sleeping about 12 hours at night.  I hope he can get his strength back soon and no one else gets this illness.

I finally figured out how to get pictures from my phone to the computer.  I enjoy taking pictures on my walks when I see somethings really cool, like the tree above.  The kids love this statue that is in front of the Broomfield library.

Tuesday evening Andrew had scouts and Ruth went to her last Activity Days.  She is excited to turn 12 next week and start on her adventures in Young Womens.  

Yesterday Caleb and I went to Walmart for a few things.  Caleb wanted to bring Spencer’s sunglasses.  (His green and black ones that he loves to wear with his dragon cape.)  Spencer has had those sunglasses for about three years and loves them.  I didn’t think it was that big of deal and let Caleb bring them.  We made it through the store, Caleb was getting a bit squirmy and wanted to be done.  He was sitting in the cart and had taken off his shoes too.  I remember looking down at him as we left the cashier and made sure we had his shoes, hat and sunglasses.  Yep, it was all there.  Then we walked to the car.  As we put things in the car we realized the sunglasses were not there.  We walked back into Walmart and looked around.  We couldn’t see them anywhere.  We went home.  I was feeling so guilty for loosing Spencer’s special sunglasses that I decided to stop at Walmart again on our way to the park.  (We were going to the park to meet the Turner’s for lunch and play time.)  I got out at Walmart and looked around and even looked in garbage cans and talked to the cashier that helped us.  Nothing.  I decided to buy a new pair of sunglasses to appease Spencer, hopefully.  We went into the store and I also remembered that Spencer has been asking for a flashlight to have in his room.  I found a little flashlight, cheep, only a dollar, and a child pair of sunglasses.  We also picked up a couple of lip balms.  We paid for our things and rushed out of the store to get to the park for our lunch.  We enjoyed our lunch time.  I was telling this story to Katie and she asked if I had checked the lost and found at Walmart.  No, I hadn’t, I hadn’t even thought of it.  We picked the boys up from school and went home.  I told Spencer that we lost his sunglasses.  He started to cry and was so upset.  Not even the new sunglasses helped.  I then showed him the flashlight.  That is when we discovered that the flashlight didn’t work, not even with new batteries.  I was frustrated.  So we decided to go back to Walmart, for the third time in one day.  I got to Walmart and pulled out my receipt and found that I had been charged for three flashlights and only one lip balm.  I told the person at the return counter that I had been mischarged and that the flashlight didn’t work.  She was so kind to fix it all and give me some money back.  Then I asked if they had a lost and found, that we had lost some sunglasses earlier in the day.  The lady next to our clerk heard me and said “they are in my drawer” they pulled out the old faded sunglasses, covered in scratches and handed them to us.  Spencer was so excited!  I felt great relief.  We still kept the new sunglasses for Caleb, that way he wont want to borrow Spencer’s again. And we bought another flashlight, a nicer one that really works.

Well, that was a long story to type out.  But I wanted to share it.  Last night we had the sister missionaries come for dinner.  We enjoyed visiting with them and sharing dinner with them.  This morning I was thankful to give away our extra packing/moving boxes.  We had kept our boxes from last summer, thinking we would need them again.  But the moving company this time will be packing us and we didn’t need all these boxes.  I am thankful I could help another family that is moving who needed boxes.  So slowly we are getting things in order to relocate again.  I feel like our time in Colorado has been good but I miss my Texas home and wonder how things would have been different if we had decided to stay in Texas until the house sold.  Oh well, we can only go forward and learn from the past.

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