Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Kids

I am surprised at how quickly weeks go by.  Neal has been working hard in our yard to get all the weeds pulled.  That is nice he can do that.  Today is his day off and he is working at getting our cars registered in Colorado.  That will be different to give up my Texas plates.  Some days that is how I can tell what vehicle is mine in the parking lot.

Monday evening Andrew did a family night lesson on emergency preparedness.  He had made a map of the house, with Neal’s help, and plans for escape in case of a fire.  He did a good job and we had a good discussion.  Then we did a practice.  It went well until we were coming back into the house and Spencer was crying.  He was too upset thinking about what might happen if it was real.  He is so tender hearted.  

Spencer has had a lot of fun with his friend across the street.  They have been together a lot this week.  He loves going to school each day too.  This week his regular teacher started.  He had a substitute for the first two weeks because the regular teacher was finishing up a maternity leave time.  So it has been a transition for Spencer.  He really liked the sub and now he is getting use to a new teacher again.

Today Andrew is on a field trip to go to a gem and mineral show in Denver.  He was excited about going and wondered what he might see.  He is having fun with making new friends too.  Wednesday afternoon we did a kid swap.  Ruth went over to play with Ashley and her brother Cody came to our house to play with Andrew.  They all had fun.  It is nice because their family has 4 girls and one boy.  So Cody gets to be around boys and Ruth gets to be around girls for an afternoon.

Caleb and I have enjoyed some fun times this week.  Tuesday we went to a play group.  He was the oldest kid there but enjoyed playing with the babies.  He likes babies.  Then we went to the library for story time.  It was the first time for the school year.  They do a preschool story time where I drop him off and come back in 30 minutes.  Caleb was so excited about it and had fun telling me about the stories that they read.  It was good for him to have a little mini preschool time.  We also went to the park on Wednesday with our friends.  Caleb had lots of fun playing with Justin.

On Saturday Ruth painted a gourd that Grandma Johnson gave her this summer.  I thought it turned out cute.  Ruth is excited that she got into the honors classes at school this week.  I am glad that she is happy about it and know that it will be a good thing for her to keep her engaged in her school work.  She also is excited that in band she is starting the clarinet today.  They had a band meeting this week I went to with her.  They spent the first two weeks talking about the different instruments and having the band director see what instruments kids wanted to play and what he felt would be a good fit for them.  Today they were to bring in their instruments.  I know that the clarinet is old, but it plays well.  It was a bit hard for me to send her off with it.  That was my clarinet when I started playing 31 years ago.  I hope she has fun with it.  Yesterday I took Ruth to the doctor.  They had to do a well child visit and new patient evaluation, just so we could get a immunization that the school wanted her to have.  It went well.  I liked the office, everyone was kind and we didn’t have to wait long.  The boys had fun playing at a church friends house in our neighborhood.  It is nice to have so many church members close to us. 

Today got cold.  We even had a little dusting of icy snow this morning.  Good thing this isn’t normal and it will warm up again.  I don’t think I am ready for six months of cold.  I am sure we will get use to it. 

I made some new pajamas for Caleb and he was happy!

Ruth and her swan gourd

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys are adjusting well! I am glad that you are liking it there. I love the swan gourd. Very clever!
