Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We are enjoying beautiful weather this week.  I enjoy the sun shine, even when the temperatures are cool.  The kids have been enjoying being outside after school, riding bikes and playing with their trucks.  I am once again thankful we have a yard that they can play in.

Andrew and Ruth decided that they are going to read the Book of Mormon on their own.  I found charts for them to fill in as they read and they have both been doing well.  Andrew is also motivated to read the Old Testament reading assignments for Primary that is in the Friend magazine.  He has read things from Genesis and had a good discussion with Neal about the creation.  We continue to read from the Old Testament with the kids.  I thought it was neat that Ruth noticed that the Book of Mormon talks about Moses and she thought that was cool.  I am glad that my children are learning a love of the scriptures.

I finally finished Ruth’s “Christmas” pajamas.  She has enjoyed wearing them.  The shirt ended up a little big and I had to do some adjusting to get it to work for her.  But it turned out cute and cozy.  She is enjoying playing pretend pioneer and setting up house on the back porch every day.

Andrew is excited for scouts to start back up tonight.  He loves to be a helper.  On Saturday Neal was home and worked outside to get the yard cleaned up.  They worked together to move the old leaf compost into the garden area, then rake up leaves on the lawn to make a new leaf compost area.  It was a lot of work and Andrew was there helping most the time.  Spencer also helped some with the raking.  I am glad they are learning how to work.  I think they enjoy spending time with Neal, no matter what he is doing.

Spencer has his front tooth still hanging.  It has started to hang crooked.  I have tried wiggling it and pulling at it and it is still firmly in there.  I am always careful with the kids teeth because I don’t want them to be sad that it hurts.  They are all sensitive about it.  So I don’t put too much force on it.  It is funny how it looks.  One day I found him in the bathroom pulling faces in the mirror and putting his one tooth on the outside of his lip.  It was so funny I took a picture of it.  He can be a big clown sometimes.

Caleb is still amazing me with his knowledge.  He is trying to spell things now.  He got a new alphabet magnet set for Christmas and it is on the fridge.  He will try to spell things, by looking at books or toys markings.  Today he spelled “play doh” while he had it out to play with.  He will be reading in no time I am sure.  Lately when we go somewhere in the car he likes to unbuckle quickly and climb up to the front seat with me when the car parks.  He then sits on my lap and pulls the visor down and looks in the mirror and pulls faces.  He thinks it is fun to see my face next to his.  Today I surprised him by wiggling my ears in the mirror.  I still have ways of surprising my kids with my many talents.  Yesterday we had a preschool field trip to the grocery store, HEB.  Caleb had fun walking around the store with his friends and tasting some of the things they gave the kids.  I am glad it turned out.  I was the one to schedule it and organize our group for it.  I am glad we did something different. 

Friday we got the part for the trike and Neal was able to fix it.  Caleb has been very happy with riding it all over.  Since we were ordering a part for it we also ordered a new bell to put on the handle bars.  The old bell had broken years ago and just was there, but wouldn’t ring.  Now I hear the ring often as they are outside playing.

Friday we had the electricity out for about two hours for no apparent reason.  Caleb and I had a hard time with out it.  I had planned on sewing and he wanted to watch a movie.  So we took a nap instead.  It was needed.  Especially since I have had a cold this week.  I needed the extra rest.  I am starting to feel better and getting going better today.  It is hard to be slowed down.  Friday evening we had the missionaries come over for dinner.  It was good to have them here.  They enjoy the kids too I think.

Friday evening and Saturday we had our new Stake Centers open house.  I went over Saturday morning to help set up the refreshments.  It was nice to see the displays that had been set up and the beautiful art work in the cultural hall.  I am glad I took some time to look at things by myself while it was quiet.  I brought the three older kids over later in the morning so they could see it.  Then at 6:00, at the end, we all went over to help clean up.  Neal had gone over from 4-6:00 to be in the parking lot to help with any security needed.  He ended up sitting in the car with another member of the ward talking and eating pizza.  I am glad he had some social time. 

Yesterday I had a presidency meeting.  Caleb really enjoys playing with the other councilors little girl.  They are so cute together playing and giggling.  Yesterday Caleb had brought crayons and paper to color with her.  I am happy that he can be friendly.  Today I took him to the library and story time.  He was talkative with the librarians and it was cute too.  

I am thankful for the sunshine and the happy kid sounds I hear as they play outside.

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