Thursday, September 28, 2017

Busy Life

Things have been busy this month.  I look forward to listening to General Conference this week end.  Then we will be in October!  It is feeling like fall today.  This week has been cooler and we have had a lot of rain.  Although the boys say it is still warm enough for shorts, they have been wearing their sweaters to school each morning.

We enjoyed having Erin and Ben and family over for dinner on the 18th.  They are a new family in the ward.  Ben and Neal made the connection a few weeks ago that they went to high school together.  Neal pulled out his year books and we even found that Ben had signed in it.  We enjoyed visiting with them and having them in our home.

We were worried about some pine trees in our yard.  They had some insect damage visible and we were concerned that it would get worse.  I called a tree company and they sent out an arborist to see the trees.  She was very kind and taught me things about pine trees.  They are better off than we thought.  She gave me her opinion of what they needed, some insecticide in the early spring, the insects have all gone dormant now and spraying now wont do anything.  I am glad that we got help.  She didn’t even charge for her advice, it was a free consultation.  She also gave me a tip that I want to try.  She said that if I plant garlic or onion around my peach tree it will keep bores away from it.  I want to do that and just see if it helps.

Ruth enjoyed going to a Mia Maid Stake activity.  The leaders showed pictures of what they looked like at 14-15 years old.  Ruth enjoyed visiting with others her age from the Stake.  When she came home and talked about the activity I decided to look up pictures of when I was that age.  I don’t have many good ones, just ones from my cheap 110 camera I had as teen ager.  I wish I had better pictures of my youth. It is nice we have digital pictures of the kids, they are so easy to take and store.  Ruth and I also enjoyed going to a Stake dinner on Saturday before the Women’s session of conference.  The Stake leaders had a nice dinner for all the women and we enjoyed eating it with friends and then listening to the broadcast at the church.  It was an excellent meeting. Ruth is finding that high school isn’t too bad.  Some nights she doesn’t have much home work and she has enjoyed spending time working on writing a novel.  She is gaining new friends and is a good friend to them by listening well.

Andrew and Spencer enjoyed going to a birthday party for Nathan from a neighboring ward.  The boys had fun playing the games they did outside and enjoyed doing a nerf gun war.  I am glad that they have friends.  Andrew received his Second Class Scout rank at the Court of Honor last week.  He is enjoying scouts.  He is very close to having his First Class rank, he only needs a couple more camping trips with his troop and he will have it.  Last week they went on a camping trip. Neal went with them. They went Friday after school and enjoyed getting out, even though it rained during the night, they said they were warm and dry.  I am glad that he can get out and have fun. Saturday afternoon Neal, Andrew and Spencer went to a train activity.  We have gone to this the last couple of years.  There is a big steam engine that is getting renovated and each year they have it out where people can see it and make donations to the work.  The model train club also had a layout out on display and the boys helped run it for a bit.

Saturday morning I took the kids over to clean the church.  Spencer likes doing the garbage.  He goes around to all the class rooms and empties the trash into a big can.  Caleb wanted to help him and a couple of other younger boys who were there with their dad.  Spencer didn’t mind the others helping.  Later that day when I was the Stake dinner Sister Hardy, who had been cleaning with us, told me what she had seen with the boys.  She said Spencer had so much patience with the younger boys.  And he was saying things like “good work men” and Sister Hardy thought it was cute. When Ben and Erin were over Spencer played with their toddler while the adults were visiting. Erin thought it was so nice of him.  Spencer is good with younger kids.  Spencer’s primary teachers like to give the kids challenges that go along with their lessons.  They had the challenge to go to the temple and find where it said “Holiness to the Lord” on it.  Yesterday we drove over to the temple after school and Spencer took a picture of it.  I am thankful we have a temple so close.  Spencer and Caleb enjoyed participating in their schools “Jog a Thon” to earn money for the school.  Caleb received an award for being the third fastest runner in his class.  They also enjoy participating in “Runners Club” the school does every week.  They keep track of how many laps they run and they can get awards for the five mile marks they pass.  They both enjoy running!

One more thing happened last Saturday, it was a busy day!  I took Caleb to the baptism of his friend Miles.  Miles had invited him to come and I am glad we did.  Caleb was so excited to go and said the last baptism he had seen was Spencer’s, two years ago.  I thought it was good for Caleb to go and see and be apart of a baptism since he will be baptized in about six months.  Miles' family invited friends and family over to their home for refreshments.  I took Caleb over to that too and he had fun playing with friends for a bit.  I enjoyed talking to some of the adults there.  Caleb has also enjoyed making new friends.  On our street is a little girl named Illy.  They met while Illy was walking the dog with her mom last spring.  Then we have seen them on occasion.  This last week Caleb and Illy have started riding their bikes around together.  Caleb has finally figured out how to ride a regular bike and is doing well with it.  He is so motivated with it right now and every day after school he wants to find Illy and go riding.  She sometimes comes to our house before he is done with his home work.  They are having fun together.  We have exchanged phone numbers with the parents, so it helps to call first to see if she is home.  Caleb has also made friends with Carson.  Carson is in my primary class and just started kindergarten.  Carson loves trains.  We invited him over last week and he came to play with Caleb and all the trains at our house.  Caleb has other friends in kindergarten from the ward and likes to see his little friends.  Carson's mom commented to me this morning, as we ran into each other walking to the school, that she is so impressed with my boys and how patient and kind they are to the younger kids.  I am glad they are well behavied.

Caleb and Spencer playing trains

I have been doing a lot of family history work.  I found a family that is being a bit complicated with relationships and information.  It is taking me some time to sort it out, it is like a mystery and I enjoy it. I always get excited when I find a new clue in a record.  I think I about have it all worked out.  I enjoy helping in the school library.  I went in twice last week to help, I substituted one morning, then I was there on my regular day of Tuesday.  I like helping the kids and also doing something useful for others.  Home life keeps me busy too.  I have done yard work and just maintenance of the house, and keeping up with the kids school work and activities, so I keep pretty busy.

I hope everyone can enjoy this pretty fall season.

I found some pictures I forgot to include last letter.

The boys at their train club leaders home playing with his trains.

Pictures of two of our biggest apples from our tree this year.  

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