Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer Activities

Life has been busy.  I want to do better at writing so I don’t get so behind.  I like sharing things with my family and friends as well as keeping a journal for my family.  Maybe some day the kids will have fun reading all these letters I write.  Ruth has already enjoyed looking back at ones I wrote years ago when she was little.  It is fun to have a record to remember things.

We have been on summer vacation for two weeks now!  Wow, it has gone by fast.  The last day of school was May 25th, a Wednesday.  Andrew had lots of fun doing a kick ball tournament with the 5th grade classes.  Ruth had fun walking to an ice cream shop after school with a group of friends and getting a treat.  That evening Andrew shared a fun things with his brothers.  He had crumpled up his old home work sheets into balls and they had a “snow ball” fight in their room.  They had lots of fun celebrating the end of home work for a time.  Although we do school things together here at home. Ruth and I are reading “The Scarlet Pimpernel” together and discussing it.  The thing I like most about it is that we are looking up words we don’t know and I am learning some cool words. The kids also are doing math work every day, music practice, reading and other learning activities. The older kids are working on a typing web site to learn how to touch type. They are enjoying the summer classes that we are participating in with ward members.  We did it last summer too.  Parents teach classes and the kids have fun going to them.  Andrew and Spencer have both done art classes this last week.  Andrew did a volley ball class.  I taught a science class this week.  We had fun doing some simple experiments and hopefully some discovery and learning. 

We finally got the boxes unpacked in the boys room and helped them to organize their things.  We have things pretty much unpacked and are feeling settled in.  We still haven’t hung any pictures up.  That will come as we get furniture where we would like it and such.  I am enjoying being in a larger home, the kids have plenty of space to play and spread out.  We have enjoyed play time with friends.  Miles and Jack came over one afternoon and Caleb went to their home one morning.  Caleb’s friend from school, Xan, came over to play last week.  The kids have had birthday parties to attend too.  So in two weeks we have had lots of social time too.  I also gave all the kids hair cuts, we hadn’t done that for awhile because we had been so busy.  The boys look so much better with their hair shorter.  It was getting a bit long and starting to cover ears.

My mom and sisters attended my uncle Rulen's memorial service in Idaho and enjoyed visiting with the family.  Then on Memorial day we received word that my aunt Zelma passed away.  She was my dad’s sister.  So the family gathered again for her funeral.  I have pondered a lot about the plan of salvation lately with three deaths in the Hancock family in a six month period.  I have felt peace and comfort knowing that we do go on after this life and they are together with their parents now.  I am thankful for the gospel and the knowledge it gives. I have enjoyed going to the temple and pondering things and just know that what I have been taught is true, families really are forever.

My Dad's grave 

My mom and my dad's sisters and bother-in-law

Sunday May 29th was my parents wedding anniversary and my mom brought a beautiful arrangement of roses to put on my dads grave.  I am thankful we did a big party for them last year for their 50th anniversary.  

On Memorial Day we invited the Stuart family over for dinner.  We enjoyed visiting with them and letting the kids play in the water.  We had the fountain going and they thought it was great.  

The kids were climbing on the fountain 

Caleb and his puppies

On June 1st there was a big rain storm.  We even had a little hail come down.  The kids had fun going out and playing in the rain and then we saw a beautiful rain bow.  It was amazingly bright and beautiful.  That evening we also had the elders quorum president and the missionaries stop by to visit with us.  Then on Friday the missionaries came to eat with us.  I enjoy having them in our home, they are good young men.

Ruth went to the doctor for her well child visit.  She is growing still.  She measured 5 feet 8 1/2 inches.  She is about the same height as me now.  I expect her to pass me up soon.

Andrew has been in an origami phase.  At school the art teacher taught some basic things to do with origami.  Andrew likes to watch you tube videos and learn how to make new things.  On the last day of school he went to his art teacher and asked if she had any paper he could have to do things over the summer with.  She ended up giving him a box full of paper!  It is all colorful and cut in 3 and 5 inch squares.  He was pretty excited about it.  He has been sharing it with the others and they have enjoyed making things.

Andrew's origami shelf and Ruth's paper flowers

Last Friday Neal took Ruth shopping for camping gear.  She enjoyed getting some new things.  This week she went to girls camp.  She was pretty excited about going.  I hope that her week has gone well.  We have missed her being home this week and will be happy to see her tomorrow.

Last Saturday we went to the 75th anniversary of Kirtland Air Force Base air show.  It was a slow start for us when we had to park and wait about an hour to get on a shuttle bus to take us out to where the show was.  But once we got out there we enjoyed seeing some great things.  The air planes flying were spectacular.  There also were lots of planes and helicopters on the ground to look at. Some we could even go inside of.  It was pretty neat.  We spent most the day there and got all hot and sunburned, even with lots of sunscreen being reapplied often.  It was a neat event and I am glad that we went.

I know, it is a rare picture of me, Neal took control of the camera that day.  He had fun taking lots of pictures of planes.  I picked out a few to share.  I am growing out my bangs and have my big sun glasses on.  I will try to get a better picture of me soon.  I need more of them.

This week the boys have been doing swim lessons at the local pool.  They are enjoying getting in the pool every day and are learning things to help them be more comfortable in water.  They will continue lessons next week.

Monday was our 14th wedding anniversary.  Neal brought home a dozen red roses.  They have smelled good this week.  I have enjoyed looking at them too.  It also was our first anniversary of moving to Albuquerque.  

This week Andrew had a Webelos activity at his leaders home.  They had a BBQ and roasted marshmallow and played in the water with a slip and slide.  He had lots of fun with it.

I got new glasses this week.  I went into a clinic two weeks ago and had my eyes checked. My prescription had changed a little.  I think the biggest change was that since I stopped wearing contacts my eyes have adjusted to that because my negative numbers got a little smaller.  I am enjoying my new bifocals.  They are working so much better than my last pair.  I have been wearing them most of the day and it is so nice to be able to look at things and be able to see things in focus, distance as well as up close.  I am thankful for them.

This week I was able to buy some fruit at good prices and made strawberry and apricot jams.  They looked so pretty I took a picture. Well, I am glad that I could write today and will try hard to not get so far behind again in my writing.

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