Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Caleb's Birthday!

The last two weeks have gone by fast.  Last Wednesday I was busy getting things ready for Caleb’s birthday, well, I made him some shamrock pajamas and wanted to have them for his birthday.  So I didn’t write.  So much happens in our little family so I can only highlight a few things.  

On Friday March 11 the boys and I went to the school for an activity.  The school had given each family a copy of the book “A Cricket in Times Square” and did activities with it at school and encouraged everyone to read it.  The big activity on Friday was all about the book.  They had some fun trivia and activities for us to do.  The boys enjoyed it.  Near the end of things I was trying to gather them all up so we could leave.  I said “where did Caleb go?” then I heard the piano.  I knew who was playing that Indian song.  I looked up on the little stage at the piano and sure enough, that was Caleb.  He loves playing the piano by the way.  He has gone through two primers this year and has started on book one of an Alfred series.  He is my fastest piano learner out of all the kids.  

Saturday March 12 we had a friend birthday party for Caleb.  He was so excited to have friends come over.  It was fun to have them.  We invited his Primary class from church and also two kids from school, who are LDS but not in his Primary class.  We had five kids come to the party.  They were so cute.  We did some little activities with them but I think the highlight was the treasure hunt.  While we were gone Friday evening Neal and Ruth put together a little treasure (a pail with plastic coins inside of a #10 can) and they had buried it in the back yard.  (The advantages of having a yard that is dirt.)  Ruth made a little map to help the kids find their treasure.  They thought it was great.  I am glad that the party went well for Caleb. Caleb was given side walk chalk and has been busy.  He has even gone down the side walk some in front of the neighbors because he said he ran out of room, our driveway is covered. 

The kids had fun playing with the trains while they were here for the party.

I thought about making a shamrock shaped cake but couldn't find a pan.  Caleb liked how I did it.

Caleb was holding the treasure map and the kids loved digging in the soft dirt. 

The unveiling of the treasure.

The cake was good and passed the test of the older brothers. 

That morning Ruth had participated with the youth doing a fund raiser by doing power raking and aeration. She was pretty tired from all the yard work she had done but still helped with the party too.

That night we had the time change.  This is a hard thing on all of us.  The kids had a hard time getting moving the next few mornings for school.  

Neal has been working on his bikes this spring.  He has started riding his bike to work a couple of times a week.  I think he is enjoying it.  It is good for him to get some exercise.  

We had fun with the cub scouts this month.  We did an elective on air.  The boys loved doing some simple activities with balloons, instruments and the funnest was making a kite last week.  Spencer has made some good friends with his scout group.  One of boys also goes to the same school with him, Matthew, and they are playing together at recess now.  Last Saturday Matthew invited Spencer over to play and they had a great afternoon together.

Caleb’s birthday is on St. Patricks Day.  He was so excited for that this year.  He wanted everything green and shamrocks this year for his birthday.  His class teacher was doing activities with the holiday and had the kids bring in Leprechaun traps.  I had never heard of such a thing before.  Caleb was so excited to go to school that morning to see if the Leprechauns had been there, and if they caught any. I told him it was a bit silly.  He got all serious and said that his teacher told him they were real and “I am going to believe my teacher on this one.”  I had to laugh.  I went with Caleb that morning because we brought donuts into the class for a treat for his birthday.  I saw the mess the class room was and the teacher talking about how the leprechauns did it again and messed up her room.  The kids were all screaming and looking in all the traps.  It was crazy.  Caleb thought it was fun. Of course no leprechauns were found but the kids did get a little candy and plastic coins.  

After school Caleb was so excited for his birthday and was dancing around.  He was singing to himself almost constantly.  He sang all the birthday songs he knew from Primary too.  For dinner we had his favorite dish, Panseat, a cabbage and noodle casserole.  He wanted green donuts for his treat.  I couldn’t find any and just bought a box of assorted donuts from a shop.  He was happy about it.  I am glad that my 6 year old had a fun day.  Oh, he loves his new pajamas and is so happy to wear them.  That night as he went to bed he said in his prayer “thank you for a lovely birthday.”  It was cute. 

Yes, I gave him a math book.  Over a month ago I had asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said a math work book, because he likes doing math.  He was happy for it.

Friday the 18th I took Caleb to a birthday party for a class mate at a skating rink.  It was fun to let him try skating for the first time. He was happy and cheerful about it, even when he fell a few times.  He enjoyed being with his friends.  He is very social.
Last Saturday Andrew had an all day cub scout Webelos activity. They were working on their camping adventure.  Neal went with them.  They had a fun day.  Andrew loved doing soap carvings and we have a few in the bathroom now.  

Monday evening the kids were being a bit sluggish about doing chores.  They were asking why they had to do “so much!”  I started to complain in a joking manner and said that maybe I should just stop doing things because I was too tired.  I asked if I could go on vacation from being a mom and they all yelled “NO.”  Then Andrew asked “what would we eat for dinner?  I guess we could do canned soup, I could fix that.”  It was really cute actually.  I think talking about it that way they realized that what I ask them to do really isn’t that much and they all thanked me for what I do.

We have had some good FHE nights.  Andrew taught a good lesson on the scripture story of Abinidi.  Then this week it was Caleb’s turn to do lesson.  I asked him Sunday afternoon if he needed help in planning it and he said “it is already done.”  I was surprised that he did a lesson on his own.  For a long time he hasn’t wanted to do it and then the last couple of times he has let me help him find something we could do.  This week he wrote random (that is the word he used) scriptures from the Book of Mormon on papers.  Then he had each of us reach in a bag and pull one out and read it.  They were random and didn’t go together in any way.  But we talked about each one briefly.  At the end of a lesson we have taught the kids they should give a testimony or share their feelings about their lesson.  Caleb just said simple “It makes me happy to read from the Book of Mormon.”  It was a good lesson.

Yesterday we had a very windy afternoon.  I had a window open, because it was nice at first.  Then when I realized that the wind was blowing dirt in the house I shut it.  (That is a disadvantage to having a dirt yard.)  I finished sewing new pajamas for me.  I made some nice cozy flannel ones, just in time for the first of spring.  Oh well, I guess things get busy and they didn’t get done before Christmas like planned.  I have enjoyed going to the temple.  Last week while there I felt really close to my Dad.  It was special being there.  I know that he is there watching over us.
Yesterday Andrew brought home a paper about his art work.  His art teacher has chosen him to show one of his art pictures at an art fair gallery for the school district.  I don’t know if he is the only 5th grader or just one from his class.  But either way I thought it was neat his was being chosen and his art ability recognized.  (This is different than the Reflections program.)  I look forward to going to the opening night of the art gallery to see his art on display.

Tomorrow my mom is flying down to visit us!  We are excited to have her come.  It is spring break next week so it will be fun to have her here while the kids are out of school.

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