Thursday, October 8, 2015

Balloons and Birthday

There is an American Girl movie about Saige who lives in Albuquerque.  Ruth has enjoyed watching it and owns it.  In the movie Saige’s father owns a hot air balloon and it shows scenes from the Balloon Fiesta that is done here every year.  I thought of this movie as I saw balloons this last week end and remembered the phrase “paint the sky” from the movie.  Last Friday, as part of the Fiesta, there were three hot air balloons at the elementary school in the early morning.  We went over and saw them get inflated.  The kids also got to get into one of the baskets and watch while they pulled the cord for the flame.  It was cool.  

Then Saturday morning we went up to a hill by our home to see if we could see balloons being launched at the balloon fiesta grounds.  We counted about 75 in the air from where we were sitting.  It was pretty to see all the color, but they were far away.  After watching for while we went for a walk in the open space and enjoyed some family time.  This Saturday we plan on going to the Balloon Fiesta and seeing things up close.  That should be pretty neat since this is the biggest hot air balloon festival in the nation.  I understand it is pretty spectacular to watch hundreds of balloons inflate and launch.  I will remember to take pictures. 

Sitting on top of the dam at the hill to watch the balloons.

The little dots in the sky are hot air balloons

Our morning hike, Neal had control of the camera that day, so more pictures of me

Last week Andrew came home from cub scouts and said it was great.  He had a huge smile on his face and said any time they do things with food or blow things up it is cool.  And last week they did both!  He loves being outside too and loved our walk Saturday.

Caleb had two field trips this week.  Last Thursday they walked to a fire department building that is close to the school and got to see a fire truck and hear about fire fighters jobs.  Yesterday the kindergarten kids went to a pumpkin patch.  I am not sure everything they did, after all it is a five year old telling me about it, but they did see lots of pumpkins and he got to pick out a small one to bring back to school.  I guess we will see if he gets to bring it home, he hopes so. (He did bring it home after school.)

Last week Ruth and I went to the middle school choir concert.  Ruth wanted to go to support her friends in the choir.  Three girls from our ward were singing.  It was a nice event and nice to do something with Ruth.  Friday night Ruth was able to go to a “Friday night activity” with the kids in the ward.  I am glad that she has so many friends.

Spencer is working hard at reading a long book.  He chose to read “Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" for a book report for September.  He has really liked the story but it is taking him a long time to read it.  This morning he was reading and is almost finished, he has three pages left!  I talked to his teacher and she was flexible with the due date of his report.  Actually he already did the written and oral report and his teacher said to just let her know when he actually finished the book.  He wanted to see the movie again.  He remembered that we had checked it out from the Hewitt library.  I told him that if he read the book we would try to find a copy of the movie to watch.  Last week when I was at the school library I had a little extra time and was browsing the DVD section for teachers to check out and I found the “Secret of NIMH" on the shelf!  I checked it out and Spencer is eagerly waiting to watch it.  (He finished the book yesterday after school and watched the movie today, he loved it.)

Saturday was my birthday.  Friday evening Neal took me out to dinner.  It was nice to spend some time with him.  I also went to the temple Friday morning.  It was a good peaceful day.  Neal gave me some pretty flowers and new music CD’s.  The kids gave me lots of home made cards.  I enjoyed getting messages from many family and friends through facebook and phone messages.  I am thankful for my family.

 Neal baked the cake and Ruth and Andrew helped to decorate it.  Ruth took some pictures that evening.  It was a happy birthday for me.

Saturday and Sunday we were able to watch the LDS General Conference at home.  It was nice to sit quietly and listen to many wonderful talks.  Ruth and Andrew watched it all with us.  Andrew even watched some of the Priesthood session with Neal in the bed room.  I asked Andrew later what he liked about conference.  He said he didn’t understand everything people talked about, but he did like the way that he felt as he listened.  I too felt the spirit as we listened and my testimony increased that we are led by living prophets.  I am thankful that Christ is the head of the church and my testimony of him increased by listening to the testimonies and talks of so many this week end.  I enjoyed reading many wonderful comments on facebook too of how conference touched the lives of my friends.  I feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.  Saturday after conference we enjoyed participating with a Hubbard family group video conference call.  It was fun to see so many in the family and hear about what they are doing.

1 comment:

  1. The balloon fiesta looks like so much fun. I enjoy seeing your pictures that you post. :-)
