Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa Time

Dear Family,
Christmas is getting so close! The kids are getting all excited about the activities and events planned.  This week has gone by quickly.  I am thankful that everyone is feeling well right now.  Andrew is doing great.  Ruth was sick with the same stomach stuff on Saturday and Sunday.  She is doing fine now too.  I hope no one else gets it!
I was able to have a nice parent teacher conference with Spencer’s teacher.  It was fun to talk to her and hear how he is doing in Kindergarten.  He is doing wonderful with behavior and knows everything he needs to know right now.  She said that he picks things up really easy and is excelling in school.  He is happy that I bought him another sweater.  The zipper on the old one kept jamming up.  I bought two different ones in November that the zippers broke within a few days of having it.  I was able to return both of them, but it was frustrating.  I bought another one today, from a different store, and he is enjoying wearing it, even though it is 80 degrees out side. 
I also had a parent conference with Ruth’s GT teachers.  They think she is wonderful.  I am glad that she has a love of learning and is so kind to everyone in her class.  Ruth also had a music program last Thursday.  She played and sang with the 4th grade.  It was a fun program about Holiday’s from this time of year.  
Andrew has enjoyed playing in the leaves outside.  He has been making piles and then making “houses.”  He does this by hollowing out the piles and making walls and rooms.  It is fun to watch because I remember doing that when I was young.  He helped me the other day clean out the garden.  We had a hard freeze last week and lost most of the garden.  It looks better with all the dead plants pulled.  We still have lettuce, spinach, cabbage and carrots growing.  
Caleb loves colors.  He still insists on eating off of red things although he has started to ask for the turquoise cup to drink from.  He also doesn’t want to go to bed at night.  He likes to wander out of the room and ask for things.  It is a trial every night to get him to go to sleep!
Saturday we were able to go to the Mayborn children’s museum for their annual Christmas activity.  Ruth and Neal had to stay home because Ruth got sick.  She was sad.  I took the boys and they had fun seeing the Christmas decorations.  We also visited with Santa.  Then we spent time looking at their electric train display.  The boys really enjoy that.  
Last week I was able to make lots of candy and cookies.  We were able to share it with lots of friends and neighbors.  I enjoy doing that.  Our next door neighbor asked us if we were going to sing for her this year, so we did.  I thought that was fun she remembered that we will sing for her.  Yesterday when we went to the Hodson’s home (he was our Bishop when we first moved here) they also requested a song.  Then Brother Hodson wanted to give us something back and went and got a package of cookies.  I thought it was fun he shared his cookies with us.
Today I took Caleb to the Hewitt library Christmas story time.  After reading some Christmas stories Santa came into the room.  He was jolly and fun.  But the most entertaining part of it was that all of the little kids were afraid of him!  They all started to cry and cling to their parents.  But Santa was patient and let each one come up to him as best they could.  Caleb wouldn’t even look at him, but I still had someone take our picture.  
We are happy that we have been so blessed this holiday season and look forward to opening all those packages!  The kids are getting a bit anxious about that.  Thank you to all who have sent us things.  It definitely makes things exciting.  

Caleb fell asleep watching a movie.  He looked so precious I took pictures of him sleeping. 

Ruth performed at the Spring Valley El. music program.  I took this picture after the program so I could see her better with her instrument.

We went to the Mayborn Museum for the annual Christmas party.  The boys were a little excited about the huge Christmas tree.

Caleb didn't want to be close to Santa, Spencer was too busy being silly.  Caleb started to warm up to Santa because he was a kind man telling the boys silly things to get their attention.  

Spencer and Andrew in the tree.

Caleb was eating a candy cane, that is why his face looks dirty.  He had lots of fun seeing the Thomas trains at the electric train display at the museum. 

Andrew liked the large trains. 

Spencer liked the small trains. 

Andrew wished this large black engine was running while we were there, it was his favorite. 

Caleb didn't want to go to bed, so instead he was "reading" the Book of Mormon.  

We went to the Hewitt story time and Santa came.  All the kids were scared of him!  Caleb didn't want to even look at him.  It was really funny to see all the kids crying and clinging to their moms.  He was a jolly Santa though.