Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Start of School

I want to keep caught up on writing so I will try doing it today. First off, our computer is having problems so I don’t have access to my pictures. Sorry in advance that I can’t share pictures of all the fun things going on. Hopefully we can get everything working again and I can enjoy working on my picture projects again, as well as sharing them with you.

The kids are getting into their school routines. They have completed three weeks of school now. Ruth and Andrew have an early start to their day. Ruth goes to seminary that starts at 5:50 Monday through Thursday. She has Friday mornings off. Andrew goes to the high school for band, that starts at 6:30. He leaves about 6:00 every morning. Andrew is doing an afternoon seminary class that meets at 4:00.  I am glad they have option for the kids involved with before school extracurricular activities. Most mornings Ruth, Andrew and Neal, who gives Ruth a ride to the church, are gone before the younger boys even wake up. I get up early to help them get off, so I see them. Their classes are going well. Ruth is already very busy with homework. She is taking three AP classes and one honors class. She also has a fun class of creative writing. She is enjoying her new French teacher that the school hired over the summer. Andrew is keeping up with things well in his classes, getting used to high school and keeping up with band commitments. He is enjoying being in the band and enjoys jazz band too. He is working hard and wishes he could get more sleep. Spencer is doing well with school. He likes that he has multiple classes with his friend, Jonathan Merrill. Spencer decided to join the beginning jazz band, they meet after school on Tuesday and Thursdays. He said that it is a fun class. Caleb loves school. He enjoys learning and being with his friends. 

I was able to go to the elementary school and high school parent open house nights. I enjoyed meeting some of the teachers and seeing more of what happens at their schools. The middle school will have theirs next week, then I will get to see Spencer’s classes. 

I have enjoyed starting up helping in the elementary school library again this year. It is nice to feel I can contribute to the school. I enjoyed going to a baby shower for two ladies in my ward, both were having their first baby and that made it fun. They are so excited about it. Neal and I also went to a wedding reception for a families son in our ward. We didn’t know the bride and groom very well, but we know the groom’s parents and it was nice to support them. I enjoyed going to a book club last night. I am thankful for good books.

Other activities that we did this month involved supporting the band. Andrew is playing field shows at the football games. Neal attended one game that was held on a Thursday evening. This last Saturday Ruth and I went to a game together. It was Ruth’s first football game, I think she enjoyed it. I talked her through a lot of the game so she would understand what was going on. I know what I know from attending BYU football games with Doug, that was a long time ago! It was fun to watch the band and they are doing a good job. They are still working on finishing up their whole routine that will be performed in October at band competitions. We also helped with a flea market to raise money for the band. The day of the flea market the band marched around the neighborhood streets playing. It was fun to watch them go by. 

I think a big event this month was that Caleb had a bike accident. At least it was big for Caleb and me. It was two weeks ago. He was riding his bike home from school. He was carrying a basket ball in a bag on his handlebars and we believe this caused an imbalance as he curved around the corner onto our street. He was going fast and lost control. It was pretty sad. He had a friend following him home, she wanted to ask if he could come over to play, but instead she ran and got me. I was glad he had a friend to help. He was pretty cut up and I had to take him to an urgent care. He got cleaned up and got stitches on his face and leg. He was swollen and sore for a few days. He didn’t want to miss school and was determined to go. But, he was also very worried about how kids would react to him. He didn’t like the stares and questions, but over all the kids were kind to him and worried about their friend. He is doing so well at healing. I can tell he is a healthy boy. He got his stitches out last week and they looked great. Now all the sores are mostly healed, only the deepest “road rash” places have scabs. I am thankful he didn’t break any bones or knock out teeth! The same day as the crash we had a cub scout activity about bike safety. I went to it because of my responsibilities in cub scouts and also took a minute to tell the boys how important it is to wear a helmet, it helped Caleb. Also, don’t try to carry things on the handlebars, it doesn’t work well.

I was sad to hear that my uncle Kenneth Anderson passed away on Monday. I have many good memories of him. I hope all who might be traveling to the funeral will be safe and know that I will be thinking of them. I don’t feel like I can travel at this time. 

Our iMac stopped working on the first week of school. Neal was in California on a business trip. The kids were coming home each day from school needing a computer to do homework. Thankfully we were able to manage for a week with just the iPad to get the work done. Ruth was able to go into the school computer lab to print things she needed. Then we decided to buy a chromebook that was a good deal at Costco. It has been very handy for the internet access it gives us. The kids can do their homework now easily, since most of what they need is is web based. I know it is a simple computer but it works great for the kids. We have tried getting our computer repaired but it is looking like it might really be out of commission. It is always hard when things break and you need to fix or replace them. I hope we can get things going better with that soon. I am thankful we have back ups of our stuff. 

Well, I am grateful for the good things in life. I am thankful for the temple close by and that I can go easier now that the kids are back in school. Life is busy but good.

I was quick to finish this letter and realized I forgot an important event, Spencer’s 12th birthday! He was so excited for this birthday. He was all smiles all day long. It was fun to see his excitement. He had his traditional peanut butter pie as his dessert of choice. He was excited to get Lego kits to work on. He also got a special gift from Grandma Hubbard. It is a giant hex bug. She told us that Grandpa had worked on putting it together and playing with it some before he passed away. She thought Spencer would enjoy it since he likes robotic things. He loves it. I am thankful for our Spencer! 

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