Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Summer Break

    It doesn’t feel like summer yet, at least the weather. We have had cooler weather that isn’t usual for May. I don’t mind. Last Friday the weather was so pleasant we had dinner outside and just spent the evening outside. The mornings have been a bit cool and I have been doing walks later in the day. It has been a pleasant spring time.

Andrew and Caleb sporting their new hats, made
from our old 1980's globe.

The flowers in the open space are pretty right now.

    School is out. I think that is the biggest news for this letter. The kids are happy to have more time at home doing their things. Ruth is at church girls camp this week. She is a youth camp leader (YCL) this year and is excited to be there with the girls. She will be a leader with the 11-12 year old girls.
    Caleb had fun with the end of year activities at school. He went to the zoo with his class and had fun with that. They did a “play day” with the PE teacher doing activities outside. He had fun getting wet with that activity. He went to a birthday party for his friend Emma. Her birthday is in the summer time but she wanted a friend party and did it before school got out so she could invite school friends easier. They had fun together. Caleb was happy for school to get out. He really enjoyed his teachers this year and loves going to school.

Caleb at the zoo. 

Caleb with his teachers, Mrs. Hedges above 
and Mrs. Moses below.

    Andrew enjoyed going on a jazz band trip. Neal went with him. The weather got cold for it. They were going to do a hike Friday morning, something different than playing their instruments all day. But, it snowed so they went to a museum instead. He had fun learning from other teachers and performing with a group. The following week he had a jazz band concert at school. We enjoyed going to it. Andrew was awarded the “Directors Award” for being a hard worker and leader in jazz band. He loves doing it. He is excited to do band with the high school next year. I went to a band parent meeting for the high school. It will be a big commitment for him but it will be good. I attended Andrew’s 8th grade promotion ceremony and enjoyed watching him walk across the stage.

Andrew's jazz band

Andrew's standing up to get his award from his teacher

    Ruth was stressed about the end of school. She worked hard preparing for her finals and taking the World History AP test. She was thankful when it was all over. She had fun going to YCL meetings and preparing for camp. Last Saturday she had fun with some friends going swimming and then hanging out with them into the evening.
    Spencer enjoyed the last few days of classes. They had a 6th grade play day (or afternoon) but it was too cold for swimming at the school pool. He spent the time in a computer lab playing games. He has enjoyed working with different things with electrical circuits and programing simple devices. He finished his first year of middle school with straight A’s. Yesterday he had fun going to the Explora museum with his friend Jonathan.
    On May 17-18th Neal and the boys went on the ward Father and Sons camping trip. They had fun together and enjoyed being with their friends. Neal has been riding his bike to work frequently. He also has done some mountain biking. Andrew likes riding his bike in the open space too. Spencer goes out some but not as often as Andrew. They boys have worked a lot in the yard with me getting things cleaned up from winter. We got the pond filled, cleaned and worked the pump a bit last week. It has been too cool to want to play in water though. Neal worked Monday on the brick boarder for our garden. It is looking nice. We planted our garden and things are growing. Our fruit trees don’t have much fruit this year. I wonder if it is for the cool weather and maybe there was a lack of pollinators.

The boys playing at the campout

    I enjoyed going to a volunteer luncheon at the elementary school. I also had a lunch with the library volunteers. It is nice to feel like I have a place to be there. I also enjoyed going to book club and visiting with my friends there. I bottled some strawberries last week because they were so cheep at the store. We also had lots of fresh ones to eat, very tasty.

    The kids are involved with the church activities. They had a BYD at the Bishops home last week. They have good leaders who encourage them. The boys have been  involved with their trains a lot. They are working on finishing their modules. Andrew has worked a lot on his n-scale layout at home too. Last week we went to a park for a party for the Graham’s, a family who is moving from our ward soon. The kids had some fun playing on the field with balls and the group had a fun party. Then on Saturday Andrew went to a the Graham’s home for a birthday party. He had fun with the boys that night.
    Last Saturday Neal took Andrew and Spencer on a hike up onto Sandia peek. They hiked to a location where a plane crashed in the 1950’s. They thought it was interesting to look around at the wreckage.

    Sunday we were invited to eat dinner with the Newton family. We enjoyed the evening with them. It was good to visit and spend time together. I am thankful for friends.

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