Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring Time

    We are enjoying a beautiful spring time. The days just slip on by. In March I had a chance to take a little trip by myself to visit with my mom. I flew to Utah on March 22nd, it was an early flight. Mom Hubbard picked me up at the air port and took me to their home. I was able to eat breakfast with Mom and Dad Hubbard and had a nice little visit. My Mom came to their home later in the morning and picked me up. I went to Orem with her and spent until the following Wednesday with her.

    It was nice to have some time with Mom and slow down to her pace. We had some time to really visit about life and do a few things together. I enjoyed going for walks with her and working in her yard. Saturday we went to lunch with all my sisters. It was fun to all be together. We enjoyed visiting and being together. Sunday I went to church with Mom and in the evening I had a visit with many of the family that live close by. Monday I worked with Mandy to teach her how to cook a turkey. She hadn’t done it before and she had been given one at Christmas time. It was fun to work together and make a turkey dinner. Mandy’s family came over that evening to eat with Mom and I. It was nice to visit with them more. I am thankful for my family. I missed my children and Neal though. I called home every day and heard about all their activities. Neal told me it was “mommy appreciation week” as they worked together to cover the things I usually do. Neal was able to work short days and be with the children before and after school. It sounds like things were busy for them. I enjoyed sleeping in every day and just relaxing. I hadn’t taken a trip by myself for over 10 years, so it was different for me but I enjoyed it. I flew home on a late evening flight on Wednesday and it was nice to see my family again.

Me and my sisters with Mom

Mom and I trying to do a selfie and the turkey we cooked

   I started feeling a little sick while in Utah and when I came home it gradually got worse. For over a week I was out of it most the day. I spent a lot of time in bed and just miserable. I think it was just a bad cold virus and maybe a sinus infection. I am still trying to get over it. It might just be bad allergies right now. I don’t know, but I am not totally well yet. It has been a hard few weeks being slowed down so much. Yesterday I felt well enough to do a little work in the yard. It is nice to see the flowers blooming and things waking up from winter time.

   While I was in Utah the kids were busy. That Saturday the older kids worked with the youth on a fundraiser project to do power raking at homes of people in our ward. They came home from that and Spencer was so tired he slept for an hour. I am glad that they were willing to do the work. Caleb had a Primary activity that morning and enjoyed that. That evening Ruth went to a Stake dance. She enjoys going to the dances. It was a 50’s dance and she dressed up, using some of my clothing and had lots of fun.

    When I got home from my trip it was time for Caleb’s science fair. I was able to help with it and be a judge again, like I have done other years. I enjoyed talking to the children about their projects and helping them to learn about science. Caleb loved doing his project and did it mostly on his own, with reminders from me to water his plants. He was growing tomato plants from seed and doing an experiment with how much water and light they got.

    The last week end of March Andrew was able to go with the band to the Hummingbird music camp. The band goes up every year from Friday to Sunday. Neal took Andrew up Friday and they camped near by (in place of Andrew sleeping in the dorms). Then Andrew joined the band for the activities all day Saturday while Neal went hiking and exploring the mountains in the area. It was a nice weather for them and a nice trip. Neal and Andrew left late Saturday night to come home. I am glad that the director is willing to work with us when we don’t want to participate on Sunday. The band program is a wonderful one and I am glad that the kids get to be a part of a great group. Last week the band went to a State competition and won first place! I thought that was great.

A picture of the band at the state competition

    The boys have been busy with the model train club this month. The Saturday that Neal and Andrew were at Hummingbird I took Spencer and Caleb to Mr. Hovey’s home to work on their train layouts. The boys enjoyed working with Mr. Hovey and also having time to play with his trains. Last Saturday was their regular train club meeting and they were able to get with the group and work on things more. They have a lot to do to get their modules ready for the train shows this summer. The club also has a Lego train they have been making a layout for. Neal has helped with this. They have a door that they glued Lego boards on to make a surface for the train lay out. Neal was helping to get the door made and we had it at our home for a week. The boys had fun making designs on the board while we had it. Now we have it again, but this time with a the train tracks on it. Spencer made his own little train car out of Lego to drive on the tracks. They have fun with their trains.

   Andrew has enjoyed a remote control car he has. His friend Aiden gave him an old RC car that didn’t work. Andrew took it apart and fixed things on it and got it to work. The top shell doesn’t work with it, so Andrew plays with it without it. He likes to take it into the open space and drive it on the dirt paths. It is amazing to me that he can fix things and that the boys understand so much about how things work. It is beyond my abilities.

   Caleb is enjoying Cub Scouts. He is now with the Bear Den. All his friends had birthdays recently too and have moved up to the Bears. I was down to one boy in the Wolf Den. As leaders and parents we discussed what to do and decided to combine the two dens. This makes it that I am no longer a den leader. I have been asked to be a committee leader and take over tracking awards and helping with the Pack. We had a Pack Meeting last night and I was the one who had purchased the awards and had things ready for that part of the meeting. It went well. I don’t mind, it is nice to not have to plan activities every week for the boys.

    Andrew and Spencer are involved with Boy Scouts. They are excited for a camp out this week end. They will go to the local district scout camp and do some service there this week end.

    Ruth is a youth camp leader for girls camp this year. She attended another meeting for it last Sunday and is excited to work with the younger girls at camp.

    Ruth had her 16th birthday this month. She was happy to have a birthday. Her friends were kind to her and took her out to eat and to a movie. She received some nice gifts too. I bought her a dress that she is planning to wear this week end to the PriestLaurel Prom the church is sponsoring. She doesn’t have a date but is going with some girl friends. It is just a nice Stake dance really but she is excited about it. She is growing quickly into a beautiful young woman and is doing well with life.

Ruth and I tried a selfie (I am still learning how to get them to look right)

    Last week Caleb went to his friend Charlie's birthday party. The boys had a great time with the activities there.

    On Sunday we were invited over for dinner at the Merrill’s home. It was so nice of Sister Merrill to fix dinner for us. We enjoyed visiting with their family that evening.

    We like the way the house turned out from being painted. It is nice to have it different.

Old pictures of how the house looked

The new paint. The front was a slight change and not that noticable, but the back is a darker color.

    I am happy that Easter is this week. It is a nice time to reflect on Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and resurrection. I am thankful for the knowledge I have of him. I know he lives and he is there for us. I know that through him we can have eternal life together with our families. I am so thankful for my family. I enjoyed listening to General Conference earlier this month. What a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life. I am thankful for living Prophets who teach and guide us in this troubled world. I feel so blessed.

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