Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Spencer and Family time

We are enjoying the school routines now. At least I am, I like having some quiet time during the day to get things done. The kids are doing well with their classes and are working hard.  I enjoyed going to the schools to meet the teachers and hear about the classes. Both the middle school and high school had it where we went to all the classes in order for 7-10 minutes each. It was good to see the teachers, hear what they had to tell us and get a feel for what the kids do every day. Caleb also has some great teachers that I enjoyed visiting with and I am glad that they all are doing well with school this year.

Spencer’s birthday was on the 23rd. He was so excited for his birthday this year. He was counting down the days and was so happy and bouncy on the day. Although he wasn’t that excited about going to school, he went and didn’t tell anyone it was his birthday. He wanted to be with family at home for his birthday, so we didn’t do a friend party. He wanted me to make a peanut butter pie for him. Not a new request, he has had the same thing for the last six years!  He loved having some attention and enjoyed our evening together as a family. He is happy to be 11 and to start Boy Scouts. Last night he went to his first boy scout activity. They were working on the swimming requirements at the Horton’s home. Brother Horton is one of the 11 year old scout leaders and wanted to do the swimming before it got cold.

Spencer really wanted a bigger bulletin board and was excited he got it

On August 24 Neal and Ruth went on the ward Daddy/Daughter camping trip. The girls had fun hanging out and Ruth enjoyed sleeping in a tent with friends. The men sat around the camp fire visiting. It was a fun activity for them. Andrew went to a swim party at the Horton’s house that evening.  He enjoys being with his friends.

Saturday the 25th we invited the Isakson boys over to play. They did water play out in the fountain and they all had fun. They have three boys who are similar in ages to our three boys. It was a bit crazy at times but it was fun to have the boys together.

On August 28th we had a Pack Meeting for cub scouts where Spencer was awarded his Webelos Rank, Arrow of Light and did a crossing over ceremony to go into Boy Scouts. It was a special evening for him.  Then we attended a Boy Scout Court of Honor for Andrew’s group. Andrew earned his Star Rank and four merit badges. He enjoys being involved in the scouting program. One of the merit badges the troop worked on this summer was a cinematography badge. The boys had to make their own short movies. Andrew and three other boys did a little thriller movie about a “shadow” chasing the boys. Andrew was the shadow and it was fun that we got to see the movies at the court of honor.

Last Saturday Caleb had fun having his friend Xan come over to play. The boys met in Kindergarten and have continued to be friends. Xan is in the same program Caleb is in with the half day gifted class and they enjoy being in a class together again. They had fun building things together.

Saturday evening Neal’s sister, Andrea's family came to spend some time with us on their way to Utah to visit grandparents. They live in San Antonio, so they had a long day in the car. The kids were so excited to see their cousins. The kids played and were having lots of fun until about 10:00pm when we were able to persuade them to go to bed. We had all day Sunday for visiting and play. We also went to church with them. It was a great visit and we enjoyed having time just visiting and hearing what their family has been up to. The kids were busy playing and showing each other their interests. John played songs by the Piano Guys and now Caleb wants to learn them all. I keep telling Caleb he has to work on his easy songs first until he gets better and learns the harder skills.  It was fun to hear John playing the piano, he did a good job. We are excited for their family with the mission calls they got this last month. Peter will be going to Australia and Corinne will be serving in Montana. Peter wasn’t with the family so we missed seeing him. He has been working a lot and flew to Utah to see his grandparents for a few days before he had to get back to work. He didn’t have time to do the two day drive to get there. I am glad they spent a day with us before they continued on their way Monday morning.

Monday was Labor Day so we didn’t have school and work. The kids all were quiet after their cousins left and played by themselves most the day. Andrew worked on some RC cars and was able to get one working again by putting together parts from other cars on it. It was fun he could figure it out. 

Last night I had cub scouts with Caleb. Neal, Ruth and Andrew went to the temple and did baptisms with the youth group. They enjoyed time in the temple. I am thankful that we have a temple so close to us. I enjoy going every week and feel peace there. It is a blessing in my life.

Today the water was turned off for a few hours for the city to dig up the water main connections and replace valves. I am not sure all that they did, the digging was all in the street, but they had to have the water off. They seem to be done but still need to clean it up. They have a flag barricade up around a hole and a pile of broken asphalt and cement. I am glad water is on, although their pile blocks a little of our drive way. Hopefully it will get finished and cleaned up soon.

I decided to pick most of the butternut squash. Some of the vines are dying back. I have picked about 15 so far. I have shared a few with friends. We have eating some too. They have been good. I picked all the apples off the tree and bottled some and we have enjoyed eating them fresh too. We have been eating the pears and they are delicious. The tomatoes keep producing too. Things are starting to slow down, but I feel blessed for the good harvest we have had.

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