Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines day everyone. We have a cloudy day today and I really hope it rains. It has been very dry here this winter and we need the water. I have needed to water things our yard this winter to keep the trees and bushes doing well. I also worked hard last week to finish up with all my pruning of the roses before they start to grow again. They were starting to bud out and I wanted to prune them back. The daffodils and tulips are starting to come up. I think spring might come early this year.

Spencer and Caleb have been working on science projects this month and Spencer told me one of his class mates did a project on how people age and their perception of time. I know for me that the older I get the faster time seems to go. The days just fly by. We have had some sickness of colds the last couple of weeks. Spencer, Caleb and I have all had it. I am the last one and still getting better. I have tried to take it a little bit slower this week, but that is hard with so much going on.

The boys and I had dental cleanings done. I had a spot where a filling had broken out and needed to be repaired, not too bad. Spencer and Caleb had no cavities. Andrew had a tooth that was chipped and some decay growing in the chipped area. So he experienced getting his first filling.

Ruth enjoyed going to a stake dance. She was all smiles and told us about a nice boy she met and enjoyed talking to. She said one good thing was that he was taller than her. With her being about 5 foot 10 inches tall, it is hard to find boys that are taller than her. I can understand that one. On Saturday the 3rd she went to the school swim meet. She had an assignment from her journalism class to attend a school event and write an article about it. She enjoyed watching her friends swim and doing something different.

Andrew and Neal went camping on Friday the 2nd. Neal wanted to give Andrew an experience of winter camping. They enjoyed being together and just relaxing some. Last night Andrew had a jazz band concert. He did a little solo part and did great. He is really enjoying his music classes. The kids are starting to get their information for class choices and registration for next year. Andrew can pick two electives for next year and he picked symphonic band and jazz band. This Friday is a jazz band competition festival and he looking forward to having a day out of school to hang out with friends and listen to jazz music.

Last Saturday Neal, Andrew and Spencer went to their train club meeting. It was also an open house for people to come and see what the train club is. They are enjoying their trains. They have worked more on the layouts they have at home. They were able to get legs put on the HO scale table. We moved a few things around and have the HO and the N scale layouts in our family room right now. They are working hard to get things wired up so they can run the trains. Andrew is enjoying working on the artistic part of the N scale layout.

Spencer had fun going to a birthday party for his friend Jonathan. They played some games at Jonathan’s home, ate dinner and watched a movie. Then Spencer and Jonathan got to do a special event that they had been planning for about a month. Jonathan’s dad helped them light a little fire and burn their old school work. They thought it was great. Spencer had brought a stack of papers with him to the party. I am glad that Spencer has a friend that he feels comfortable with. Spencer has struggled lately with feeling like he fits in, since he doesn’t like sports or popular movies. He has different interests and sometimes that can be hard to fit in when you are ten. The other day he was frustrated with something that had happened at school and came to me with tears in his eyes and when I asked what was wrong he said “Mom, I just need some love.” We sat together and he told me all his troubles. I am glad that he can talk to me. The next day I was at the school library helping out and Spencer came in about half way through morning recess. He told me he just needed some hugs and talked to me for a few minutes until the bell rang. I hope he has things go better today. He was looking forward to the pizza party his class was doing for Valentine’s day.

Caleb had lots of fun doing his 50’s program at the school. He was sick with a cold but insisted he go to school. He coughed some through the singing but was able to be there and do his dancing and singing. He enjoyed some root beer floats in the class room afterwards. Last Saturday Caleb went to a party for a new friend Levi. Levi moved here in January from Austin Texas. He is in Caleb’s school class. Levi’s family threw a party for Levi to invite kids from school to get them to know him better. Caleb loved it. Caleb is so friendly, he is so good to make new kids feel welcomed.

Caleb at the school performance. He is on the back row, second from the right. 

I had fun playing a game of Risk with Caleb and Andrew a couple of Sunday’s ago. I had told the boys I would play and teach them the game. Even with giving some strategy hints and helping them with a few things, I still won.  I enjoy playing games when I can. I enjoyed going to my book club meeting last night. It is nice to have friends to discuss ideas with.  Last Sunday I had a calling change. I was released from being an Activity Days leader and was put in to work with Cub Scouts, the Wolf Den. I was Spencer’s Wolf leader and now I will get to be Caleb’s, since Caleb turns 8 next month and starts cub scouts. It should go fine. I have enjoyed working with the girls. Tomorrow I will do my last activity with them. I have a sewing activity planned. I hope it goes well.

Neal has been busy with work and projects at home. He has helped Caleb with his science project and I helped Spencer. I will try to remember to take pictures of their posters. The science fair is this Friday. I will go in and help with the judging. I have enjoyed helping with that in past years. Last week Neal and I went out on a date. We went out to eat and enjoyed time to talk. Then we went to the building where they do train club. We went in to help set up things for the open house they did on Saturday. I didn’t mind having train club be a part of our date time. It was good for me to see where they meet and to talk to some of the other train club parents and leaders.

Caleb working on his science project. The above picture is when he got tired and fell asleep. Later he was more awake and was able to finish his measurements with Neal. 

I am thankful for family. Today is my Dad’s birthday. I am so thankful for a father who was such a good example to me. He had so much love for people and worked hard his whole life helping others. I feel blessed to have this day to remember him.

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