Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Spring Weather

Today is a beautiful sunny morning.  It felt cooler but nice this morning as I walked the boys to school.  Yesterday afternoon it rained and cooled everything down.  Last Saturday I was able to plant my tomato and pepper starts I bought.  I also planted a lilac bush.  I look forward to wonderful smells from that.  I really do love lilacs and am glad that they grow here.  They didn’t grow in Texas, because it was too hot for them.  I hope my garden grows.  So far none of the seeds I planted have come up.  I am surprised that nothing is happening.  The pictures I took are too shaded but still show the garden.  The bigger plants are in the middle and I surrounded them with patches of different smaller plants like lettuce, spinach, peas, bush beans, radish, carrot and onion.  I guess I will see what decides to grow.  We have talked about getting a watering system set up for it but for now I have been watering by hand.  I was outside this morning and ended up taking a couple of pictures of the yard, from a different angle than I have done before.

Last Thursday I enjoyed going to a Relief Society activity about health.  I always enjoy getting around the other sisters in the ward and learning from them.  Friday afternoon Neal came home from work a little early and suggested that we go on a date.  We went out to eat dinner and then went for a walk at a park.  It was a nice evening. Saturday evening we had the missionaries over for dinner.  They are good young men and talked about being excited to talk to their families Sunday.  I hope it went well for them.

Sunday was Mother’s Day.  I enjoyed getting cute notes from my children and some small gifts they made.  I appreciate their notes.  I am glad that I can be a mother.  I am thankful for my mom too.  I was able to have a nice visit with her on the phone that evening while Neal was fixing dinner.  Neal also fixed a nice breakfast.  Ruth helped with some of the cooking.  Neal was able to talk to his mom that morning.  I am glad that we have mothers to help us grow.

I have a new calling in the ward.  I was released from teaching Relief Society, which I will miss doing, and have been called to teach the four year olds in Primary.  It will be a big change.  I will miss going to the adult classes.  I hope that it can go well and I can learn from the children too. I will continue to do the Activity Days for the young girls.

Yesterday was the K-2 track meet.  The kids had lots of fun.  It was a beautiful morning.  I was helping with lining the kids up for races.  That was a bit hard to keep them in their places.  The event was well organized by the PE teacher.  Caleb loved participating.  He did great too.  He came home with two metals and a ribbon for his efforts.  He came in 5th place for first grade boys in the 100 m race.  He came in 2nd place for first grade boys in the long jump, jumping 2.3 m.  And his relay team took first place.  There were four on each team and they each ran 200 m.  They did great.  Caleb was so proud of his metals that he wore them all afternoon.  Tomorrow is the track meet for the 3-5th grade kids.  I will help at that one too. Spencer is excited to participate. 

I was able to finish binding my quilt yesterday. The quilt is for the lower bunk where Spencer sleeps.  We have two bunk beds for the boys and so an extra bed.  I made quilts for the boys two years ago and decided to make a matching one for the extra bed.  I am glad that it is finished.  Spencer likes to store things on the bed, like an extension of his shelf and dresser for his stuff.  He needs to clean it off so we can get the quilt on.  

The boys have enjoyed their little snail pets.  Amazingly they are still alive.  But I have decided to banish them from being inside.  They weren’t always screwing the lid of their jar tight, because they said the snails needed more air than the holes provided.  But the snails could some how squeeze out.  After the second escape I decided that I didn’t need snails in my house any more.  Yesterday we found the second escapee in the ball bucket.  Amazing to me that it could move that far from its jar.  The boys also decided to catch other things and put them in a different jar.  In the second jar they have worms and beetles.  Both jars are sitting under the apple tree now.

I need to leave soon to go to a lunch at the school library today.  It is a nice thing that the librarian does for the volunteers each semester.  It will be nice to visit with the other volunteers and have a nice lunch.  

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