Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter.  I hope everyone else did.  The weather was so nice and we enjoyed some fun activities that week end.  A big one was that Neal and Andrew went on a Boy Scout camping trip.  They went to the Badlands to the northwest of us.  They enjoyed exploring and having fun with friends.  They left Friday morning and got back Saturday evening.  The kids didn’t have school Friday.  Ruth spent most of Friday with her friend Brianna.  Friday morning I took the kids to the park for an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was one that was put on by some friends in the High Desert ward.  It was fun to visit with friends and let the kids have some fun playing.

 Caleb discovered he could climb in our tree out in the back yard

Saturday morning we went to the church for a our ward’s breakfast and egg hunt.  The boys thought it was fun that they got to do two egg hunts.  I enjoyed the breakfast and visiting with other adults.  It was a beautiful morning to be outside again.  

Saturday was busy with yard work and house cleaning.  Then we had some fun coloring eggs.  Andrew wasn’t home, we saved some for him to color later.  I forgot to take a picture of him with the eggs.  The kids enjoyed creating some fun color with them.  When Andrew and Neal got home we had dinner, then after dinner the kids were excited to do their Easter baskets.  They like me to hide them.  I hid them in the back yard.  It actually took them a few minutes to find them.  I guess we have lots of bushes to hid them behind.  It was fun to watch their excitement.  I tried to go easy on the candy and bought them each a little stuffed animal.  They thought that was fun.  I also made an effort to write them each a personal note.  I hope that in the long run that might be more meaningful than a chocolate bunny.

Andrew was tired from camping, he was still happy to search for his basket

To back up in time, on Thursday I went to a Relief Society activity.  We did paintings.  It was a fun activity to sit together and visit with the sisters as we were given instructions on how to blend colors and paint a picture.  It was a good activity to try something new.  The more I look at my picture the more I like it.  It was a fun evening.

Sunday was Easter.  The choir sang in Sacrament meeting.  I sang in one number and played the piano in another.  I think it went well.  Ruth sang a descant part with another young woman and they sounded great.  She is doing well with singing high.  I also taught Relief Society that day.  We had a wonderful lesson on Christ and I really appreciated all the comments and testimonies shared.  The spirit was strong on Sunday and I am thankful I was able to attend church.  I am thankful for my Savior.  I know he lives.

I have enjoyed watching the garden grow in my yard.  The roses are growing.  We have one miracle iris blooming.  The peach tree we planted is finally showing signs of life.  I had wondered if we had planted a dud and would need to get it replaced.  I am glad that it is starting to grow.  This week end we are going to get compost to get stirred into the dirt for our vegetable garden.  I am happy that things are progressing.  I have been thinking of fun things for summer time and getting ready to enjoy a different schedule with my family.  The school year is rushing to an end.  They only have about a month left.

These dark tulips were the last of the tulips to bloom, I thought they were unique and pretty

One little iris flower decided to bloom.  I look forward to 
next spring when the bulbs can grow better.

The peace rose is the first one to bloom in the back yard

I thought I would take a picture of where our vegetable garden will be

The peach tree, finally showing some life

The roses by the front door

One more thing about this week.  The kids have enjoyed playing with all the plastic eggs.  The boys thought it would be fun to build snake nests, since snakes lay eggs.  They found all their stuffed snakes and little plastic ones and have played with them all week end.  I am thankful they are just toys.  Their snails are still alive.  Andrew cleaned out the jar and put in fresh dirt this week.  They are good about putting in new food.  The found that the snails really like cabbage.  I am glad that they can enjoy taking care of something so simple.

The remains of the snake nest that was still out this morning.

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