Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Sick Month

It isn’t a normal time for me to write, but since I am home with a sick Spencer I thought I would.  Yesterday Andrew was sick to his stomach and today Spencer has a fever and aches.  I had hoped we were over with sickness, but I guess not.  Caleb is still coughing some and I have had a lot of congestion.  Maybe another week and we will all be well again.  The weather has also cooled down and that hasn’t helped.  On Sunday we came out from church and saw snow falling, it didn’t last though.  Today it is windy and the wind is cold.  I don’t mind staying inside.  It has been hard to have kids sick.  I always feel bad for them and wish I could take it away and help them to be bouncy, happy children, full of energy and health.  I have had a lot of quiet days.  Some days I have been sick and didn’t do much and other days I have worked on family history or other quiet activities.

We enjoyed seeing the science fair at the school.  We went over on the family night and saw many neat projects.  Then on the 17th I went over and was one of the judges for it.  I enjoyed talking to five students about their projects.  I think Spencer is just happy that it is over. 

Ruth worked on a young women’s personal progress goal of fixing meals for two weeks.  She also helped with the grocery shopping.  It was nice.  She did a great job doing a lot of the cooking, Neal and I still gave some assistance.  One evening we made egg rolls, for my first time, and they turned out wonderful.  I think she was happy to turn over the cooking back to me this week.  She realized how much time it takes.  She also had a big group project due at school recently and had her friends over to work on it.  It was fun to have her friends here and hear them working.  She also spent an afternoon with her friend Brianna at her home.  I am glad that she has friends.  

Last week the kids had some time off school.  Monday was President’s Day and all four were home.  We were still fighting off some illnesses so we just had a quiet day at home.  Then Ruth and Andrew had Thursday and Friday off school for parent/teacher/student conferences.  We did go into the school Thursday to talk to their advisory teachers.  I enjoyed hearing Andrew tell me and his teacher how school was going for him.  I thought it was great that he is doing so well with expressing himself.  With Ruth’s teacher we talked mostly about high school and planning for your future.  On Friday Ruth and I took a couple of hours going through the high school class schedule book learning about what the high school offers and mapping out a plan for her classes for the next four years.  I think she feels a little better about it.  We also looked at BYU and their admissions requirements and examples of a couple of majors and what is required.  She wants to go to BYU.  When we told her teacher her college of choice she asked if anyone else in the family had gone to BYU and I realized something cool.  Ruth’s parents and all four of her grandparents have degrees from BYU.  Tomorrow she will get her official registration packet and it will be more real she is going to high school.  Tonight we are going to a band concert at the high school.  The top middle school bands, for the high school area, are coming to do a concert.  Ruth has made the decision to not do band at the high school.  She feels good about that choice and is excited to try some new things next year. She has expressed interest in journalism and also DECA. It will be fun to see what she can accomplish. 

Neal and I had a nice visit with Andrew about career ideas and choices too.  It was good to go over things with him and help him think about what he might like to do.  He did come to the conclusion that he likes math and science and would like to go that direction with education but doesn’t have an exact career choice yet.  He is still exploring. We had this discussion because we were filling out his registration for 7th grade and talked to his math teacher to get him in a harder math class. So he will be doing pre-algebra next year.  He loves working on his trains.  We had someone give the boys more electric train things.  They are enjoying cleaning the old things and getting them in working order.  Andrew and Neal are working on painting the train table they made.  It is making progress and Andrew is anxious to get his layout going.  Spencer enjoys it too.

I decided to take a picture of their table.  The dark is the wood framework.  The white is the top.

Ruth noticed this morning that our first spring flower is starting to bloom.

Spencer had fun going to his Pack Meeting last week.  He liked being the one that carried the USA flag for the beginning ceremony.  He is very close to finishing his Bear rank and loves doing things with his leaders.  He thought it was fun that last week his school teacher was absent and his Bear leader was his substitute teacher that day. There are a couple of ladies in our ward who do substitute teaching at the elementary school and the boys always like it when they are in their classrooms. 

Caleb is getting excited about his birthday coming up soon.  He was telling me ideas of gifts he would like today.  He has enjoyed playing with Spencer with balls this week.  They have some game going on about playing catch, I think Spencer is pretending to be Caleb’s dog.  The elementary school is doing a “one school one book” thing.  They gave every family a copy of a book and we have a reading assignment every day in it.  Then the kids are asked a question at school the next day for a chance to get a prize.  Friday evening we will go to a school activity where they will have trivia about the book and information about sea animals.  They will also be showing the movie that was based on the book.  The boys love it.  The book we are reading is called “Nim’s Island” by Wendy Orr.  It is a cute book, I had never heard of it before, so I am enjoying reading it too.

Last Saturday was a little busy.  I took Ruth and Andrew to the dentist in the morning.  They are both doing well, no cavities.  Then I went to a baby shower for a friend in the ward.  I made a little flannel blanket for her.  She loved it and said the colors I picked out are her favorite colors, I didn’t know that.  I am glad she liked it.  The Saturday before Neal took Ruth to a fireside for the youth.  A man that did a rescue mission as a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan spoke to the kids.  Neal stayed and listed and they both enjoyed it.

On Sunday evening Ruth and I went to a girls camp fireside.  The girls are all excited about thinking of camp again.  The leaders introduced the theme for the year and talked about the basics of camp for the new girls.  They had invited girls to bring cookies and have fun with their cooking skills.  Ruth made some bar cookies, by herself, after church.  She is doing a lot with things now and does well in all she does.

Neal has been working on taxes this week.  That can be a big job.  Thankfully Ruth and Neal have continued to stay healthy.  I hope that tomorrow, starting a new month, can also help us start with better health.  One more thing, we did get the dryer fixed and it is working wonderfully now.  It is working so much better than it had been doing for a long time.  It is nice to have it doing its job well now.

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